42nd Dinosaur Regiment
Tag: [>:3] Web: Official website Fans: 9 Created: 2011-10-27

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The 42nd Dinosaur Regiment was first discovered in the year 42BC in the ancient wastelands of a place now known as Turkmenistan, the founder; Mr-Blake-Ross discovered the almighty regiment by accident while searching for the elusive dogs that shoot killer bees out of their mouth.

Mr-Blake-Ross had located the whereabouts of the bee dogs but soon discovered they too had located him... Astounded by their intelligence to ambush him, he ran for his dear life. The dogs hastily made chase shooting killer bees out of their mouths with great speed.

Mr-Blake-Ross ran into a nearby cave and the bee dogs were very hesitant to enter, then as soon as Mr-Blake-Ross thought he was safe from danger he heard an enormous roar and a gigantic Tyrannosaurus Rex with an AK-47 came running out of the cave and shot all the heads off the bee dogs so they couldn't produce anymore killer bees.

The T-Rex turned around and said to Mr-Blake-Ross; "RAWR, GET ON MY BACK, WE'RE GOING HUNTING, RAWR" So Mr-Blake-Ross jumped on his back and they ran through the country side blasting shit up, and recruited more dinosaurs and other things ending in 'saurus' and created what is now known as the:


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