Team Creepers
Tag: [TCR] Web: Official website Fans: 3 Created: 2011-10-28

Platoon Presentation

###### - TCR Platoon BF3 Server - ######
Name: TCR Platoon BF3 Server Squad Up
We are normally running a 16 player squad
deathmatch. We will also change over to
some Squad Rush, either 4 vs 4 or 8 vs 8.
Any wishes, arrangements, or simply
questions? Talk to admin or one of the
leaders of TCR platoon, or email us at
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Team Creepers are a group of specialized suicide bombers and highly trained kamikaze elite troop..
We train under extreme circumstances and with very low finances.

Need suicide bombers?
Choose us!
With low fees and you can even pay after the job is done!
You know about others then Team Creepers that offers the same? Doubt it..

Exclusive offer for a limited time only!
Order now and get 150% refund if not 100% pleased!

Warning! TNT, C4, and other explosive devices goes of very easly
and any loss or damage to other equipment may not be covered by us.

¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤Become a fan!..¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤
Roses are red my turban is blue become a fan or we will BOMB YOU!

We got a small sized Mumble server!
Use this if you are on our Server and
want to talk to eachother.. Note, that
the server are located in norway.
Port: 64792
Password: Horten

Platoon feed

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