WonTon Soup
Tag: [WtS] Fans: 6 Created: 2011-10-29

Platoon Presentation

Boom!... Quess who's back on the room.
WtS (AKA BfA) were made in 2005 (Battlefield 2: Modern Combat PS2.)
Our first clan (BfA) were in position #1 in the leaderboards of a BF2:MC.
Novadays.... Consoles, Games, Friends, Clans Changed. We are back with our new members and we are ready to kick a poop out of the potato... So... let's see what we can do in this game.
-Rank: 40+
-K/D ratio: 1,20+
-Kill streak: 10+
-Skill lvl: 150+
-Gaming time: 30h+
-Score/Min: 150+
-Headset: Yes/No
-Country: -


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