Tag: [WN] Fans: 1 Created: 2011-10-30

Platoon Presentation

Hello, and welcome to our page!

WN| WARRIORS NETWORK is a team, originally founded on March 29th 2005, and has had a long and proud history within the Battlefield series. It started with Tony 'LANDWARRIOR', Steve 'P.F.D', Mark 'Starbuck',
Jessica 'SAPPHIRE' and Nick 'Shadow', a number of individuals, who were already close and long time friends.
The goal was to have a simple, squad-sized team, with no ambition other than to kick arse and have fun.

Ever since we entered the Battlefield 2 together, as a team with fantastic allies (=WrS= We r Soldiers), WN| took
great pride in training together to establish a high level of team work, and has always found itself working with the kind of players that stand out amongst the crowd. We've certainly had a few clowns and giggles in our time, lol.

If you look at our Code of Conduct on our website, it may look a bit intimidating. But, we really only have a few
major rules. One might say we're taking it all too seriously, and we apologise to all who believe so. That said, it's mostly just common sense stuff, and they exist so we play sensibly and honourably, and those we play with and
against can have a good time. No complications, no bulls***... simple!

Over the years, the team has become a little depleted, with even the founders lives spiraling off in directions other than gaming... Yea, real-life can be a selfish git! That said, we're always happy to welcome new additions! Feel
free to add Tony 'LANDWARRlOR' or Steve 'PURPLEFLUFFERDUFF" to your friends list here on BattleLog.

Thank you for checking us out. We hope to see you around soon!

Founder / Commander

Platoon feed

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