The Code of Conduct
Tag: [CODE] Fans: 2 Created: 2011-10-31

Platoon Presentation

(The Code of Conduct)
I am a soldier, fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense.
I will never surrender of my own free will. If in command, I will never surrender the members of my command while they still have the means to resist.
If I am captured I will continue to resist by all means available. I will make every effort to escape and to aid others to escape. I will accept neither parole nor special favors from the enemy.
If I become a prisoner of war, I will keep faith with my fellow prisoners. I will give no information or take part in any action which might be harmful to my comrades. If I am senior, I will take command. If not, I will obey the lawful orders of those appointed over me and will back them up in every way.
When questioned, should I become a prisoner of war, I am required to give name, rank, service number, and date of birth. I will evade answering further questions to the utmost of my ability. I will make no oral or written statements disloyal to my country and its allies or harmful to their cause.
I will never forget that I am a soldier, fighting for freedom, responsible for my actions, and dedicated to the principles which made my country free. I will trust in my God and in The Code of Conduct.
(ONLINE code)
i will always assist my platoon and use my class to its full advantage, if a member is hurt i will bring the band-aidsif he is down il put my self at risk to bring him back up, making sure there is no shortage of ammo, neutralizing hostile vehicles honed in on my platoon with c4, applying coverage with mortar shells lethal and smoke, il be the mechanic when vehicles need the attention, and always use my recon abilities to mark and neutralize targets.
i will always answer my platoons call when required to join a losing battle.
i will do my utmost best of my abilities to keep not only my own kill death ratio above 2.0 but also my platoons battle percentage.

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