BlackDivision - Admins
Tag: [bDA] Web: Official website Fans: 1 Created: 2011-10-31

Platoon Presentation

Dies ist das Platoon für die Admins unserer BF3-Server.

Command List:

/say [message]
/kill [playername] ([reason])
/kick [playername] ([reason])
/ban [playername] ([reason]) //ban a player permanent
/rban [playername] ([reason]) //ban a player for current round
/move [playername] [teamid] ([squadid])
/swap [playername] // swap a player to the other team
/eventeams // swap as many play as needed to balance teams
/setnextmap [mapname]
/restart // restarts currend round
/pbraw [punkbuster command]


Arguments surrounded by braces () are optional!
[playername] can be any (unique) substring of a players soldier name
[reason] can be a self defined reason or a index number of predefined Kill/Kick/Ban reasons
[mapname] can be any (unique) substring of a mapname
[teamid] can be a number 1-4 or a for attacker and d for defender
[squadid] can be a number 1-8 or a letter A for Alpha and so on...

Platoon feed

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