The Hack Pack
Tag: [=HP=] Fans: 6 Created: 2011-11-02

Platoon Presentation

Ever been ripping it up in a sever only to have it spoiled by some guy (or girl) accusing you of hacking? Well for us it's sight we are all too familiar with.

Welcome to 'The Hack Pack'.

"We're so good, everybody thinks we're hacking."
(Don't believe us? Just check out our Battlelog accounts, we got nothing to hide!)

Current Rankings:
Th3Dalek - Emperor and Generalissimo of the Hack Pack Empire; Master of Horse and Major General of The Armoured Corps. Honorary Commander of Chief of the Rifle Brigade and designated driver.

Lachie42 - Supreme Commander of the Hack Pack Empire Land Forces; General of the Artillery and Lord Commander of Foot. Keeper of the Hack Pack Code and official taste infusionist.

VileShadow - Master of Logistics: Soup Specialist. Lord Commissar of the Penal Infantry and official representative of the Based God of Doge. Prophet of the Computer Gods and owner of the Soup Truck

BobLeeSwaggers - Lieutenant Colonel (Commander) of the Rifle Brigade; Swinger of Justice and adjutant to the Keeper of the Code. Master Rifleman and official Drunk.

Sir_Sooty - Lieutenant of Soup; commander of the Soup Platoon. Demolitions amateur and repairer of the Soup Truck. Apprentice of the Colonel and the town idiot.

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