Celtic Alliance
Tag: [CA] Web: Official website Fans: 8 Created: 2011-11-02

Platoon Presentation

The end sometimes comes faster than expected...

After careful consideration our clan has decided to say farewell to Battlefield 3 and move to a game that suits our needs much better, Arma 2. This in preparation for the upcoming release of Arma 3.

We as a whole are sick of the continuous false promises made by EA/DICE towards its customers and their money-first mentality, the lack of respect amongst players in the Battlefield 3 community and the fact EA/DICE does not seem to feel the need to properly fix the game. We therefore can no longer support Moneyfield 3, what seems to have become a game to simply please adrenaline junkies and fanboys, and flip off players who bought the game because they were promised a proper sequel to Battlefield 2. As such our servers have been cancelled and will disappear off the grid.

To those we played with and became friends with, we thank you for being there. We really enjoyed playing with you and therefore hope you will at a certain point in your life find your way to our Arma 2 servers to hang out with us again.

Until that time we invite you to drop by anytime on TeamSpeak or our website, so hopefully we will speak to you again soon.

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