STxR Recruits
Tag: [STxR] Web: Official website Fans: 10 Created: 2011-11-05

Platoon Presentation

This is the Recruiting Platoon for Soldiers Taking Reign. If you want to Participate in Clan Matches with the Elite Platoon then Show us your an Active BF3 player and Join us IN-Game Often.

1. Click "APPLY TO JOIN" (right-top-corner of the page).

2. Click our Official Website tab and go to Members and Register/APPLY to our website.

3. Add the PLATOON LEADERS to your PSN friendslist.

4. Change your clantag to STxR (this way we can recognize you)

5. Put on your headset and join us! (search for Soldiers Taking Reign in your server browser)


WHEN: Every Day During Weekdays (Mon-Fri) 8:00pm PST
REQUIRED: Need to attend at least 2 a week to play in games during weekends.

For those of you who ask "When can i move up to the main platoon". Make Practices , Battlelog and excell in matches that we set up for you. We will move you if your dedicated.

Platoon feed

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