Battlefield Military
Platoon Presentation
We are BFM, we specialize in military tactics and run through Battlefield 3 and sometimes Bad Company 2 as well. All is accepted but must be approved by training. BFM doesn't tolarate any spawnkilling or unfairness within a game, although we do sometimes steal vehicles ;P Anyway, if you would like to join, please contact halo123fan or any other founding fathers. Join our server on Battlefield 3. Look up BFM Recruiting Server. Thanks for your time and see you on the battlefield, soldier!
Guys please sign up on our BFM website and send in a application. I understand you have joined on Battlelog but i need you to also sign up on there so you can view all of our news and announcements. Thanks guys!
P.S. - Check out our Medal of Honor: Warfighter branch! -- http://battlelog.battlefield.com/mohw/platoons/show/4503608217417328/
Founding Fathers: halo123fan (halo123fan) dudewhodoesstuf (dudewhodoesstuf)
Ranks: Private. Private First Class. Corporal. Sergeant. Staff Sergeant. Sergeant First Class. Master Sergeant Command Sergeant Major. 2nd Lieutenant. 1st Lieutenant. Captain. Commander. Major. Lieutenant Colonel. Colonel. Brigadier. General. Field Marshall. Vice Admiral. Admiral.
Jet division. Infantry division. Leader - halo123fan *Admiral*
Armored division. Helo division. Leader - dudewhodoesstuf *Admiral*
Motto - We're sorry we're better than you!
Guys please sign up on our BFM website and send in a application. I understand you have joined on Battlelog but i need you to also sign up on there so you can view all of our news and announcements. Thanks guys!
P.S. - Check out our Medal of Honor: Warfighter branch! -- http://battlelog.battlefield.com/mohw/platoons/show/4503608217417328/
Founding Fathers: halo123fan (halo123fan) dudewhodoesstuf (dudewhodoesstuf)
Ranks: Private. Private First Class. Corporal. Sergeant. Staff Sergeant. Sergeant First Class. Master Sergeant Command Sergeant Major. 2nd Lieutenant. 1st Lieutenant. Captain. Commander. Major. Lieutenant Colonel. Colonel. Brigadier. General. Field Marshall. Vice Admiral. Admiral.
Jet division. Infantry division. Leader - halo123fan *Admiral*
Armored division. Helo division. Leader - dudewhodoesstuf *Admiral*
Motto - We're sorry we're better than you!
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