The Angels of Faith
Tag: [F.A] Web: Official website Fans: 1 Created: 2011-11-11

Platoon Presentation

Created by: MorbidAngel


While playing you Must use our clan tag and if you are a member off another clan, this one must be your primary.

Clan tag: F.A or Faith Angels.

Age: Atleast 15
Skill: Depends on the game. But should be average or above (Exceptions can be made)
Hardware/software: You will need a microphone and Skype.
Country: It's a advantage if you live in Sweden. If you don't, you will NOT be able to play some of our Clan matches.
Participation: You must play with the Clan as much as you can to show your interest. Also you should be online atleast 2 days a week to receive information and/or news.


Cheating will result in kick.
Immature behavior will lead to a warning if you did not receive the message this will also result in kick.
Leaving while in a match without a Very good reason results in kick (If you participate in a match be sure you can stay until we have finished it.)

Now to some good stuff:

Spreading the word about us will lead to a good standing (If you help us recruit new members.)
If you play more than 4-5 days a week there is a good chance you could be Admin (If you show interest and I trust you enough.)

This information will be updated so be sure to check back for any changes.

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