Tag: [fist] Fans: 3 Created: 2011-11-20

Platoon Presentation

(XBOX) Military Simulation,Teamwork,Tactics14+

Fellowship Integrity Strength and TacWork

FIST is a mature military realism Battlefield 3 clan. FIST stands for Fellowship Integrity Strength and Teamwork. We’re doing something different with the Battlefield experience and we can guarantee that what our clan has to offer can’t be found anywhere else.

If you’re looking for effective communication, our clan teaches it , along with real world military tactics that work in the game. However, we’re not a “yes sir, no sir” clan. “Military realism” comes into play on the battlefield and in the rank system we use. To put it simply, excellence in teamwork and tactical competence are our top priorities.

Our Battlefield 3 gaming servers are among the highest performance in the world and our clan is open to players from all over the globe.

FIST welcomes absolutely anyone and everyone to join our clan, no matter what your K/D ratio or skill level is, with only a few simple requirements. We are a thriving community of first class gamers who enjoy a military realism environment. After all, we are playing war games, so we enjoy fulfilling our roles and duties like real marines and sailors. We’ve joined together for some serious gaming action, and some serious butt kicking; the latter of which being something we are very good at!

So, what does it mean to be a member of our Battlefield 3 clan? First, it means being part of one the most fun, entertaining, and enjoyable Battlefield 3 clans you’ve ever heard of, but let’s not get too excited yet. Yes, we offer medals, awards, ranks, scrimmages, inner clan battles, and all kinds of other cool stuff; but in order for that stuff to mean anything, you really have to want to be a member of FIST. Joining our clan is literally like becoming part of a “Battlefield Special Operations Group”. As such, it’s not an overnight task to make you one of us. Do you have what it takes to be a part of the Battlefield SOG? We’re looking for people willing to make a commitment over the next couple of years to grow and excel with our clan. Few people make it to the point of being a true Battlefield Special Operator. Not because of their kill/death ratio or any other factor to do with their stats, but because they are not serious team players.

Our clan is full of dedicated people who put a ton of time and effort into literally giving away some of the best tactics in the FPS gaming community. Due to this, we naturally want to ensure that the people we recruit have a good grip on what they can expect to gain by joining us, but it’s also important that recruits know what we expect of them in return. We guarantee you will learn new things, improve your game play, and become part of a group that thrives on the power of teamwork and communication. There is no elite club within our clan, every member is just as important as the next. Simply being a member of our Battlefield 3 clan puts you in the elite club.

Clan recruits must complete Basic Training to become full-fledged members of FIST. Our simulated Bootcamp is not done for "role-playing". It weeds out the weak, immature, gutless vermin we have no interest gaming with. (Real world military Veterans of Law Enforcement do not have to complete FIST's Basic Training "clan initiation".

Don’t be confused though, because FIST is not looking to just hand out our secrets to anyone, or just let any old random be a part of our group. FIST is a gaming community which has no need for fly-by-night players who just want to take our help and run. We are looking for players to join and stick with us for a while, because after all, we are going to put a lot of energy into making you a better player. It’s no fair to us if you just take what you learn and never return. We can’t have a reliable team any other way, and we refuse to simply accept people who don’t truly want to be a part of a serious team. The Marines in the image below have to earned their place in the team, and with FIST, you will be expected to do the same. If you want to run with the best, you’re going to have to put forth the effort to prove you deserve it. That said, it’s so much fun you’ll be begging for more, but be forewarned. If you show that you really don’t want to be one of us, we don’t want you.

FIST is a military realism clan, but we are not expressly a strict “yes sir” or “no sir” type of environment. However, when we get down and dirty on the battlefield, we expect every member to behave as we were. We expect all players to follow the orders of those above them in rank, and to jump into action at the drop of a hat for their squad leader or commanding player. If you are asked to suicide and spawn with a specific kit, we expect you to drop dead on the spot and return with what you were told to bring. We are not babysitters. We are a mature, adult clan that functions as a seamless unit, not a bunch of mindless individuals. In order to dominate, it is absolutely critical that everyone work together and do so without hesitation. This is something we expect of you, but by making it an expectation for all members, we are able to guarantee this experience to all new recruits and long term members alike.

FIST is looking for the type of player who is not concerned with his kill death ratio or his personal stats. We are looking for the type of player who has a true desire to operate as part of an effective, organized, and deadly team. We are looking for players who understand or are willing to learn to use clear communication and superior tactics to overwhelm the enemy. We are looking for players who thoroughly comprehend the strength in organized teamwork, and are not afraid to pull their weight when instructed. We have no use for people who hesitate in the heat of action. We are looking for the kind of team players who get the job done.

FIST is an amazingly fun clan to play with under any circumstance, but you’ll have to experience it to know it. The people that make up FIST are friendly, helpful, and more than willing to help you achieve more. As was stated before, our members will spend their precious free time teaching you everything we know about this game, including real world tactics that actually work in the game, with boots on the ground! However, we don’t want FIST to be all give and no take, so we certainly expect you to give a little dedication, in return for the same from us. We will show you things that we can guarantee you don’t know, because they are filtered down from literally hundreds of battlefield players, and we share this knowledge with our team to ensure that every member gets to be all he can be!

What this means for you is that when you step onto the battlefield with FIST you are absolutely guaranteed to have a real dedicated team watching your back, as opposed to a bunch of randoms who will simply ignore you. With FIST you don’t get a group of people who simply sit around on a Teamspeak server and shoot the breeze while gaming as individuals. Instead with FIST, you are guaranteed players who will not falter when it really counts. You are guaranteed players who will literally give everything they can for the team, and do so without blinking an eye. FIST is made up of people who get the job done by leading when it’s their turn to lead, and following when it’s their turn to follow.

Are you a person who can follow orders when it is your turn to follow? Do you want to join a clan who’s domination is solely a product of their superior teamwork, tactics, and communication? Do you want to join a real community of good people who are at the absolute pinnacle of team play? Do you know how to get the job done at all costs because it’s what the team needs? Do you know how to act like a cog in a machine, rather than the typical random public players? If you do, you might just fit in with FIST. Just remember, there is no “I” in team. See you on the battlefield!

Clan Rules

FIST intends to be one of the best Battlefield 3 clans. As such, our clan rules exist to maintain the highest standards of excellence.

1. Members must be 14 years of age or older.

2. Members are expected to follow the orders of those appointed over them.

3. Members are expected to attend as many practice and training sessions as their schedule will allow. We are here to win.

4. Be helpful and courteous to other clan members and treat them with respect.

5. Insults toward a person’s race, religion or nationality will not be tolerated.

6. Cheating will not be tolerated.

7. Incessant complaining and cowardice under fire will not be tolerated.

8. Respect the time and effort of instructors and officers. If someone is making an announcement or teaching something, be silent and listen, and give the individual your full and undivided attention.

9. Donate at least 1% of your gaming time to training, recruiting or otherwise helping the clan.
To Join go to!/bf3/platoon/2832655391424562148/ [] and apply.

For this squad we will need : eight infantry men / four ground vehicle men...Reason for this is we have infantry men for taking bases and vehicle men go in front of infantry men to take out any air vehicles because we dont need them..atleast 2 engineers with lock on missles to take out air vehicles

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