Sons of the Patiots
Platoon Presentation
Welcome, to the Sons of the Patriots.
Anyone interested in joining the Sons of the Patriots MUST first take part in our trial and MUST wear our trial tag, [ptfo] (notice: lowercase), during this time until becoming a full member.
•Trial details•
Our trial consists of up to a total of 3 FULL rounds, or less, of any game mode. During this period, leaders of (SOP) will be taking a simple evaluation based on your efforts to perform with TEAMWORK and EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION. All 3 rounds MUST be with the platoon relevant team. Pass or fail would be concluded any time within the 3 rounds.
•••Upon sending your platoon application, wait for leader's reply directly to one's Battlefeed, then follow up with [ptfo] tag ready. You will then be notified when to squad up with platoon leader thru XBL.
•Mic for communication
•200+ SPM
--------------------------------------SOP [Protocol]-----------------------------------
Seize control of the battlefield. See everyone to proper positions for elimination of enemy advancement. Maintain consistent weapon resupply & aid for peers. Keep constant communication & absolute awareness.
Procure all that is possible. Manipulate enemy ticket bleed to sustain a steady flow allowing highest possible KDR while maintaining objective domination & the win.
Abide by the Chain of Commands. Strive for awaiting promotions and be properly rewarded. Conquer any that stand against us and pave way for the movement.
Anyone interested in joining the Sons of the Patriots MUST first take part in our trial and MUST wear our trial tag, [ptfo] (notice: lowercase), during this time until becoming a full member.
•Trial details•
Our trial consists of up to a total of 3 FULL rounds, or less, of any game mode. During this period, leaders of (SOP) will be taking a simple evaluation based on your efforts to perform with TEAMWORK and EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION. All 3 rounds MUST be with the platoon relevant team. Pass or fail would be concluded any time within the 3 rounds.
•••Upon sending your platoon application, wait for leader's reply directly to one's Battlefeed, then follow up with [ptfo] tag ready. You will then be notified when to squad up with platoon leader thru XBL.
•Mic for communication
•200+ SPM
--------------------------------------SOP [Protocol]-----------------------------------
Seize control of the battlefield. See everyone to proper positions for elimination of enemy advancement. Maintain consistent weapon resupply & aid for peers. Keep constant communication & absolute awareness.
Procure all that is possible. Manipulate enemy ticket bleed to sustain a steady flow allowing highest possible KDR while maintaining objective domination & the win.
Abide by the Chain of Commands. Strive for awaiting promotions and be properly rewarded. Conquer any that stand against us and pave way for the movement.
Platoon feed
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