First Recon Marines
Tag: [FRM] Web: Official website Fans: 10 Created: 2011-12-04

Platoon Presentation

1) Preferably 18+ Years or older but, we do make acceptations.

2) Must have Mike (Using it for COMMUNICATION ONLY) ENGLISH ONLY

3) No Cheating

4) Best skill/ asset should be your GROUND SKILLS with weapons.

5) MUST be mission originated. We are in it to win not just to get kills.

6) Be friendly to fellow team mates.

7) please add all other platoon members to your friends list. How do you work well with some if you don't know them?

- If you have the skill and you are team orientated player feel free to apply to our platoon but, please remember if you are a RECON MARINE your are in all the way. WE must be your primary platoon.

We will be entering the battlefield 3 tournament when they set the date. Go to the website linked above for more details.


Please go to our official website for more information and schedule.

All game time posted on this site will be in Eastern Standard Time.
Practice times will be the following

Wednesdays @ 8pm to 9:30pm

Saturdays 10pm to midnight

You must attend at least one day a week and if you miss 2 weeks in a row without notice you will be removed from the platoon

Platoon feed

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