Alliance Covert Forces
Tag: [N7] Fans: 2 Created: 2011-12-05

Platoon Presentation

If you're a good soldier and can follow orders and have a Xbox 360, then welcome to the war. All are welcome to join and if your stats are less than perfect that's fine too. But if you think this platoon is a free for all, then think again. We have rules and we respect those rules.

Rule 1- No T-bagging. We respect every player and don't stoop to those childish lows.
Rule 2- No USAS-12 w/frags. USAS-12 W/Buckshot,Fletchette and Slugs is fine.
Rule 3- No Spawn camping. You hate it when it happens to you, so why would you do it to someone else?
Rule 4- No MAV Elevators. If you can't get there legitimately, don't go there.
Rule 5- Have fun. Remember it's just a game.

Thoses are the rules. If you break any of those rules, then you will be put on trial and may be kicked from the platoon. Mic is prefered.
Also, if you like to snipe, I prefer you use a Bolt-action rifle. But if you can snipe effectively using a Simi-auto rifle, then more power to you.We are also looking for pilots and if you have any questions please message me, I check Battlelog everyday.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Best regards-

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