Skrode Riders
Tag: [Sr] Web: Official website Fans: 11 Created: 2011-12-11

Platoon Presentation

Riders of the Skrode are RECRUITING new members. Apply within. Any Leader can assist you!

Ravna looked across the surf. When the waves backed down the sand, she could see the Skroderiders' fronds
peeping out of the spray...

They sat in the surf, thinking thoughts that left no imprint on their minds...

Then some unknown race had chanced upon the dreamers and decided to "help them out."

Someone had put them on mobile platforms, the skrodes.

With wheels they could move along the seashores, could reach and manipulate with their fronds and tendrils.

With the skrode's mechanical short-term memory, they could learn fast enough that their new mobility would not
kill them...

[Sr] BF3 Server:

[Sr] TS3 Server:

Connect -
Pass - game

[Sr] Membership:

Active - Leader (Open invites)
Inactive - Member (No invites)
Inactive > 2 Months - Kick (Cya!)

Leaders feel free to invite good, active squadmates.

New Members!

If you are interested in competitive, organised gameplay, register for the ESL team HERE:

[Sr] Credits:

BF3 Server - Thyrex
TS3 Server - Thyrex

Platoon feed

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