Tag: [NCS] Web: Official website Fans: 5 Created: 2011-12-13

Platoon Presentation

For the Rider | By the Rider

Ok Dialed, since this post is up let me help everyone understand why this site came to be....

A long long time ago in a galaxy far far away... ok Wilmington.. (March 07)

Me and a group of riders started riding together, mainly through a yahoo group set up by a guy named eric who rode a red gsxr 1000 (i think), then one day we decided to take it a bit further. So I told the group I could set up our own site, and me Kevin, Missy, Eric and Scott met at Bdubs for some wings and discussion about the "club". They voted on "port city xtreme", which I really always thought of as fairly cheezy.. kinda like EXTREME CHIPS (ever seem harold and Kumar go to White Castle?)... but as we had put it to a vote, i bought and built, in fact you can still go to that, it will just bring you here now. (April 07)

Quickly we learned that Eric had different ideas about the group. His were more of the vest wearing, family oriented "club" while the rest of us wanted a group of friends to help each other with bikes, skills, riding, and friendships all at the same time. Buncha folks who have something in common coming together because of their love of the ride.
I then added the forum to portcityx and he left pretty much right after the point where I told him that this site/forum was for the people and not to be overly dictated, he wanted things to be and remain rated G and I wanted people to be able to speak their minds without worry.... that's how we got By the Rider|For the Rider

So anyway, he left the group in protest and started another group up on msn I think, I still check it from time to time, but it looks like he gave up...

We gained somewhere in the realm of 100 or so members, who would come and go. I got some friends on the forums like Suke, and bzb, and a few others from SBN (you know who you are), but I had a hard time recruiting riders in Wilmington. People didn't seem to be as active as I was used to. Though we were pretty busy and had a lot of fun together, strength and knowledge base of a wider ranged forum was certainly lacking.

Then one day (late July 07 -my birthday weekend) suke came down with his wife to spend the weekend and we started talking about having a larger forum. Now all the forums on the net are real, but these people that you befriend here, you can likely meet. The events we have, are pretty much all within driving distance from where we all live, and now it becomes a real and touchable environment. We knew that this was lacking on the larger sites that we had orginated from... me from and, and suke from his various forums, so we decided to move forward. Oferring things like contest and giveaways from the site, things to be able to give back to our riding community.

We then voted on either, or ncsportbikes, and you see where that went (and it's less to type which I alwayys think is a great thing). And I quickly started the marketing campaign that we are still in today. We put up a contest for the logos and marty and bhw won and from there we did the shirts pre-order with the winning logos, I began production of decals, both in the logos, and web names... thousands and thousands of cards, and the right people began to come together... then i spent a few hundreds of hours refining this forum's coding to get things like the garage, and the shoutbox and all the little fun things you see integrated into our forums.

Now we have this ever growing family that is NCS. We all seem to take pride in the group which is just like a group like this should be. Most of you don't know that story, but all of us love to ride, and if you didn't know, and I hoped you should, this site is yours and for you as riders, for you to take knowledge, make friends, increase your skills, and have a great time here on the site!

So that's the history.... and welcome to NCS

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