2nd Armored Division
Platoon Presentation
To honor the 2nd Armored Division [discontinued] of the United States Army. Hooah.
Squad Alpha:
Leader: Dragoons55
-Field Med: Pauli
-Engineer: Dragoons55
-Sniper: Fawhaw
-Heavy Gun: John?
Alpha Secondary Roles:
Heli Transport: John
Heli Paratrooper 1: Dragoon
Heli Paratrooper 2: Pauli
Jeep Driver: Dragoon
Jeep Passenger: Pauli
Jeep .50: John
Jet Pilot 1: **Recruiting**
Jet Pilot 2: **Recruiting**
Cobra Pilot: Fawhaw
Cobra Gunner: **Recruiting**
Squad Alpha:
Leader: Dragoons55
-Field Med: Pauli
-Engineer: Dragoons55
-Sniper: Fawhaw
-Heavy Gun: John?
Alpha Secondary Roles:
Heli Transport: John
Heli Paratrooper 1: Dragoon
Heli Paratrooper 2: Pauli
Jeep Driver: Dragoon
Jeep Passenger: Pauli
Jeep .50: John
Jet Pilot 1: **Recruiting**
Jet Pilot 2: **Recruiting**
Cobra Pilot: Fawhaw
Cobra Gunner: **Recruiting**
Platoon feed
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