10th SFG (PS3)
Tag: [10th] Web: Official website Fans: 9 Created: 2012-01-04

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The 10th Special Forces Group is a military realism clan for Battlefield 3. We try to adhere to the U.S. Army Special Forces command structure, ranks, MOS specialties, awards and decorations, and training.

The Soldiers We're Looking For:
We are looking for any soldiers that display loyalty, teamwork, intelligence, maturity, trustworthiness and accountability. If you think you measure up to this standard then please fill free to apply and join our brotherhood.

The Soldiers of the Real 10th Special Forces
The 10th Group is headquartered at Fort Carson, Colorado and have one battalion forward deployed to Boblingen, Germany.

Their motto is "The Best" to attest to the fact that they are the best Special Forces Group in the US Army.

They are theoretically oriented towards Central and Eastern Europe, the Balkans, Turkey, Israel and North Africa. They currently also deploy to Iraq as part of a Joint Special Operations Command.

The 10th service history began in June of 1952. They have been envolved in Cold War Operations, Operations in Somalia and Congo. They also served in the first Gulf War, Operation Enduring Freedom and the Iraq War.

We wish to honor the members of the US Armed Services and especially the men of the 10th Special Forces Group.

Notable Members

MSG Gary Gordon - was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously for his actions in the Battle of Mogadishu.

CPT Bill Herzer - awarded the Bronze Star Medal for valor, the Army Commendation Medal for valor and two Purple Hearts.

MAJ Larry Thorne - Finnish soldier who fought the Soviet Army during the Winter War during World War II and joined the US Army under the Lodge Act.

COL Aaron Bank - The "Father" of Army Special Forces and the first commanding officer of the 10th Special Forces Group.

BattleLog Name: PSN:
Axe8507 Axe8507

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