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During the Vietnam Wars, Special Ops teams were inserted into several villages by helicopter to secure positions for the US Army to move through without opposition. During this time, after several heavy engagements and casualties, the Special Ops team 'Ninja Team' was formed, sworn protectors of Vietnam. They still remain there today, to prevent anyone trespassing on rice paddy's. Equipped with the renowned M16 assault rifle, and more modern weaponry, they are one of the most feared unit's in history. With funding from Santa Claus himself, the Special Ninja's have access to the latest in Vehicle Armaments, such as the M1 Abrams Main Battle Tank, and the AH-1Z Viper Attack Helicopter, as well as the troop transport helicopter the UH-1Y Venom, the follow up of the very helicopter which inserted them into the war torn country so many years ago.
Since the Special Ninja's were inserted into Vietnam, many things have changed. The US now has the Highest Child Obesity rate of any country in the world. President George Bush has had a shoe thrown at him, and the first black president is now at the top, Barack Obama. Only one thing has made an imprint on Vietnam since the wars, and that is McDonald's has arrived in it's biggest cities. God Bless America!
Since the Special Ninja's were inserted into Vietnam, many things have changed. The US now has the Highest Child Obesity rate of any country in the world. President George Bush has had a shoe thrown at him, and the first black president is now at the top, Barack Obama. Only one thing has made an imprint on Vietnam since the wars, and that is McDonald's has arrived in it's biggest cities. God Bless America!
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