Tag: [<SB>] Fans: 14 Created: 2012-01-16

Platoon Presentation

Welcome to a Sturdy Platoon that we like to call the Sturdy Burdies! We are a group of some of the best Chopper Pilots, Jet pilots, Armored Warfare, and Ground Support Troops in BF3 PC Platform. We are the elite of the elite pilots and Infantry. We try to play everyday if we have the chance. We have very few rules in the platoon and are known for bending the Rules of Engagement a bit! We ask that anyone who applys atleast hold a spot on the World Rank Leader Boards in what ever field they specialize in. We use Teamspeak religously and work together as one big unit on the battlefield. If you think your up to the snuff and have what it takes to get down wit sum true battlefield vets you are few up apply and we will review and respond accordingly.

SturdyBlades (Founder) SturdyWings (2nd In Command - The Master Mind)

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