Titans of War™
Tag: [TOW] Web: Official website Fans: 29 Created: 2012-02-11

Platoon Presentation

http://imageshack.us/a/img442/8645/godofwarkratosbackmuscl.jpg" "We Bow Down Before No Man!" - Titans of War Clan™

The Co-leaders & Co-Founders:

[TOW] Robertson-93
[TOW] JazdaBham

Titans of War™ are currently looking for players across the world. This clan is a newly developed clan that was formed from the original EGM BF3 clan, we all decided to leave because the leader became very controlling. All the history is on our wall from our old clan so we were the original EGM BF3 clan. A lot of clans try to control people, however this clan is very laid back and understanding. This clan is about fun and one thing to remember is that BF3 is just a game. If you respect the leaders then you will get 100% respect back. Join the revolution of freedom of gaming where we have the freedom of speech! For more information check out our platoon page.

Requirements - Simply respect leaders, change your clan tag, please tell us if you want to go.

Rule 1: Have fucking fun!
Rule 2: Have more fucking fun!
Rule 3: There is no rules...I lied ;) GO WILD! TITANS START YOUR ENGINES! HOOAH!


Titans of War™ Website: http://titansofwarclan.enjin.com
Titans of War™ MOHW Platoon: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/mohw/platoons/show/4503616807278080/
Titans of War™ BO2 Platoon: https://elite.callofduty.com/connect/clan/view/4458961
Titans of War™ BF3 Leaderboard: http://bf3stats.com/leaderboard/Titans
TOW™ Recruitment 1: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/forum/threadview/2832654347971844864/
TOW™ MOHW Recruitment: http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/forum/threadview/2832654490027936191/
Titans of War™ Fragged Nation: http://www.fraggednation.com/clans/TitansOfWar
______________________________ TITANS OF WAR™ ROSTER ___________________________

[TOW] JazdaBham 
[TOW] Robertson-93
[TOW] SV-Dragunov
[TOW] Tommy31236
[TOW] ToiletDuck1984
[TOW] LightsOut114
[TOW] birds_da_word87
[TOW] dont_let_me_talk / Dont_Let_Me_Play
[TOW] Blirren89
[TOW] yoboy1997
[TOW] xHuRbUrTzZ
[TOW] Rampage0077
[TOW] X_XDogboyX_X
[TOW] xHuntsx
[TOW] INFsoju
[TOW] hp99rocks
[TOW] Hitman4274
[TOW] Syrrinx
[TOW] yakhymets
[TOW] GaRFaCE239
[TOW] IridiumVirus
[TOW] HulksRhino
[TOW] lectrikchef
[TOW] Rampage0077
[TOW] snipeinforfun
[TOW] bjn813
[TOW] kayotaylor
[TOW] za10aj12
[TOW] articreaper1
[TOW] Recoild
[TOW] Confuseticate / Indcendiary
[TOW] SpeedyGB4134
[TOW] Jaecsky5
[TOW] skinnyjames3
[TOW] Uknown_Cookie
[TOW] chevypower561
[TOW] commodus7
[TOW] Scareface_Meno
[TOW] TheGenius91
__________________ TITANS OF WAR™ BATTLEFIELD 3 CLAN MATCH RECORD ______________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________

- Titans of War™ Vs VeNoM Clan (12v12) Conquest ★ TOW [2] VC [1] ★ (VICTORY)
- Titans of War™ Vs Legend of Dragoons (12v12) Conquest ★ TOW [0] LOD [2] ★ (DEFEAT)
- Titans of War™ Vs Game Changers © (11v11) Conquest ★ TOW [2] GCB [1] ★ (VICTORY)
- Titans of War™ Vs The Ancient Warriors (12v12) Conquest) ★ TOW [3] TAW [0] ★ (VICTORY)
- Titans of War™ Vs Band of Brotherz (11v12) Conquest ★ TOW [3] BROz [0] ★ (VICTORY)
- Titans of War™ Vs Belgian HawkZ Platoon (12v12) Conquest ★ TOW [0] HwkZ [3] ★ (DEFEAT)
- Titans of War™ Vs Relentless (4v4) Squad Rush ★ TOW [0] iR [2] ★ (DEFEAT)
- Titans of War™ Vs The Ancient Warriors (4v4) Squad Rush ★ TOW [6] TAW [2] ★ (VICTORY)
- Titans of War™ Vs Areo (8v8) Conquest Domination ★ TOW [2] AREO [1] ★ (VICTORY)
- Titans of War™ Vs NO HATE™ (4v4) Squad Rush ★ TOW [1] NOH8 [0] ★ (VICTORY)
- Titans of War™ Vs C.E.L.L™ (4v4) Squad Rush ★ TOW [1] CELL [1] ★ (DRAW)

Titans of War™ was established February 2012 by Jazdabham & Roberston-93 in England 2012, Any infringement of copyright or plagiarism will lead you being destroyed by TOW.

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