Tag: [ace] Web: Official website Fans: 11 Created: 2012-02-18

Platoon Presentation

This platoon is for any members regardless of there activity

This platoon was created in order to promote teamwork and communications for a better gaming experience.
We have english ,french and portugese members amongst our ranks but english is the language that prevails.
Actual average platoon server ''filter'' :
Most of us know how to play any game type or mode CloseQuarters to Airmaps.
We usually play on Mixed 64 Players servers

mic ( or not ) at least TS software
-Spm : 300+
-Spm for premium 500+ ( with reset )

OR willing to learn.
- not being a noob.

contact me or leaders for Ts IP. wich wont be listed here

then message clan mates or join TS each time u wanna play :D

Bump this thread plz:
- The ACEs

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