Tactical Forces Elite
Tag: [TSO] Fans: 1 Created: 2012-03-20

Platoon Presentation

~~~~~~~~~~~~Tactical Forces Elite~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi, i am the leader of Tactical Forces Elite. I am looking for members that are great in all classes. Members that can be put as anything be told to drive/gun anything and be great at it! I want members that can not only hold their own but can use teamwork, communication and a bit of obedience. In this platoon there will be no high ranks! No-one that is more important than others! We will all be the same and thats how a platoon should run!

Be able to use teamwork!
Be able to use tactics!
Be able to drive/fly any vehicle!
Be able to communicate!
Be able to be any class and still get a good k/d!
Be able to get along with fellow members meaning good personality!
Being between the age group of 14-30!
Be able to have fun!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Code Names~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Alpha= Deceptive97
Bravo= ii_MARCO_xD
Charlie= Vacant
Delta= Vacant
Echo= Vacant
Foxtrot= Vacant
Golf= Vacant
Hotel= Vacant
Indigo= Vacant

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