SERE Tacti(X)™
Tag: [SeRe] Web: Official website Fans: 7 Created: 2012-03-30

Platoon Presentation

Welcome to the SERE family! SERE Tacti(X)™ is the highly competitive and tactical division of the SERE family, comprised of Battlefield Veterans who have been vetted according to a strict set of standards, been part of our community division for a period of time and dedicated to emulating the following attributes:

• S.upport:
This means helping your teammates no matter the cost but, in a manor fitting of the situation.

• E.ncourage:
There is no need to slam someone for not playing the way you do, instead encourage them to play to the best of their abilities in a mature and helpful way!

• R.espect:
While each platoon may have its more gifted members, each member should be treated with respect regardless of his or her playing ability!

• E.xcel/Excellence:
We understand this is a game, but why not excel at what you do no matter how trivial it may seam? That's why we believe if you strive for excellence you will excel no matter the task! We HATE to lose, this is part of the reason we try to play together as much as possible, it only takes two to change the outcome of a game and 9/10 times this is the case, get two or more of our members in a match and through team oriented play we usually win most games!

SERE Tacti(X)™members not only carry impressive stats but are dedicated to in-game perfection and will do anything to bring home the win, failure is not an option and anything less than in-game excellence is frowned upon. We achieve wins through tactical team oriented game play and the use of active and tight knit squads that are comprised of friends who play together constantly, after all you can’t be a cohesive unit without practice.

Once SERE always SERE, we have a strong sense of family and truly care about our members, so we expect our members to wear our tags and represent SERE at all times with the singular focus of bettering all aspects of SERE. For this reason SERE Tacti(X)™ members are put up for a yearly review by our administration staff to insure they are continuing to maintain our high standards. In addition our members are hand chosen to represent SERE in our more competitive clan matches and act as instructors in our community training seminars.

Recruitment: ON [ ] OFF[ ] INVITATION ONLY [•]

Minimum Requirements for SERE Tacti(X)™ (other divisions have their own requirements):

• Wear [SeRe], [SERE] or [SERe] tags... (depending on your division)

• 18+

• Must be a Team Player

• Mic/Headset

•Active on BATTLELOG

• W/L: 2.0

• K/D: 1.5

• SPM: 450 or avg SKILL: 500 + 2.5 W/L

• 2000 points per game

• Rank 45 (Colonel)

• Squad Score: equal to 5% of your combat score, with the goal of reaching 10% within 6 months

• Maximum of 10-15% quits

If you are lacking in any of these requirements don’t worry!

Whether you want to play causally or work on your stats to qualify for SERE Tacti(X)™, simply apply to our community platoon and get ready to have the most fun legally possible in a videogame! Our community members are the heart and soul of the SERE family, members not only play together but, play as a team and will help you no matter the cost. We also have a veteran training staff here to help you improve your game as you prepare yourself for SERE Tacti(X)™. If you meet the requirements and are interested in joining SERE Tacti(X)™ please apply to our community platoon and message one of the administrators so we can review your profile to ensure that you do indeed meet the requirements.

SERE Community™ :

Are you one of our neighbors from across the pond? Then apply to SERE EURO™! SERE EURO™ is our European only platoon especially designed to cater to our European members, with leadership based in Europe, SERE EURO™ has its own practice times, squads, server and primarily competes with other European clans to maximize your ability to get plugged in with your fellow clan mates!


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