R.A.F 101 squadron
Tag: [RAF] Fans: 1 Created: 2012-03-30

Platoon Presentation

we have ranks here
nco (non commisioned ranks)
Corporal rouge leader
Chief Technician
Flight Sergeant
warrant Officer speedyboy
commissioned officer
Officer Cadet ( a training rank you will not be a leader)
Pilot Officer
Flying Officer
Flight Lieutenant Aaeyren
Squadron Leader
Wing Commander
Group Captain
Air Commodore
Air Vice-Marshal
Air Marshal
Air Chief Marshal coloneltilly
Marshal of the Royal Air Force flashback901
these are the ranks but you go threw quickly to become a leader yo must habe the rank of a C.O (pilot officer or above) and you dont have to fly better if you do

during breifing if it is 500% ticket you will recive a breif
you need navy blue cammo and woodland for just general pilot are expected to allways use and have army green or navy blue on

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