Tag: [Sync] Fans: 4 Created: 2012-04-10

Platoon Presentation

As the name suggests, Synchronized is a team-play based clan that stresses the importance of teamwork and team-support. It is good to diversify our clan's classes, but occasions arise when one class is better suited for the current issue. Of course, we enjoy playing Battlefield 3 the way it is meant to be played. Meaning teamwork, communication and integrity are strongly encouraged. It is in our best interest to be the core of our team in any match we play in; providing cover, ammo, health, and assist whenever possible. Remember:
We go as a team, We fight as a team, We win as a team.

( Obviously, if you are invited, you are immediately accepted with open arms. You caught our attention. We like you, want you, and respect you. To be invited, you will first receive a Battlelog friend request, followed by a platoon request. )

( A fair SPM - Score Per Minute - of 400 will be the MINIMUM for accepted applications for MOST cases <<If your stats have been reset, a 600 SPM will be the minimum accepted value>> . HOWEVER, if you have LESS than a 400 SPM and would still like to apply PLEASE do so. Whether you have a SPM of 400 or lower, all applicants have a possibility of being asked to participate in a 3 game trail, of 3 different game modes, with 2-3 Leaders of [Sync] who will evaluate your skills. For more information on the 3-game trail, please read the bottom of the "Conditions for Acceptance" section. )

☐ Must be able to support the team, i.e. laser designating with SOFLAM, destroying vehicles, reviving, providing ammo, etc.

☐ This is NOT Call of Duty meaning team work is ESSENTIAL and communication is STRONGLY STRESSED, but not required if you are willing to listen to your team, cooperate, and win.

☐ There will be no penalty if one of your Top 5 Weapons is a USAS-12 or MK3A1, but it is frowned upon. We tend to favor people with at least SOME gun skill.

☐ Be willing to change your specialization if requested. Two of the same specs helps no one.

☐ Play to win. Of course having fun is first priority, but winning should be as well. Don't abandon your comrades for some kills if they need your help.

( If you apply for the platoon, ADD ShadowMinja3101 on BATTLELOG. You MAY receive a request on your profile wall for a scheduled game with myself, and/or 2-3 leaders of the Sync. We will be in the same squad and you will be evaluated on your skills for 3 consecutive games. If I am not able to participate in the 3-game trail, then another leader will evaluate your skills. If you are to receive the request, please send ADD the listed Sync LEADERS named in the request via PSN (the PlayStation itself). If any changes in possible attendance to the 3-game trail are to occur on the APPLYING side, please inform me and/or any Leaders stated in the request. If any changes in possible attendance to the 3-game trail are to occur on the MY/LEADERS' side, we will inform you. If all stated members in the request of the 3-game trail are unable to attend the game on the given date, we will inform you of a date switch, and you may or may not choose to play. If the next desired date is conflicting with your schedule, please tell me or a leader stated in the request and provide another date for the 3-game trail. I understand this is a tad bit confusing, but please be patient. Thank You. )

( Be sure to apply for the position if you meet the requirements below, desire it and/or have not been automatically promoted. To apply, post a request for a promotion on ShadowMinja3101's profile. )

☐ Must wear the [Sync] clan tag.

☐ Help with the foundation of this clan.


☐ Prove your worth with 4 of the SAME MEDALS in at least one of the following efficiencies:
- Resupply
- Medical
- Surveillance
- Anti-Vehicle
- Maintenance
- Combat


☐ You may also prove your worth with 1 MEDAL in any of the below categories.
- Laser Designation

Please, if you do not meet the requirements shown above to be a Leader but feel you deserve the entitlement, do not hesitate to inform me. Tell me what you think makes you special, and I or another leader, will see if your claim is true.


-IMPORTANT- Any player who proves to be a constant and consistent asshole, is full of shit, and has proven to be useless with both teamwork and strategic domination,will be strictly and swiftly cut from the clan. This is no place for trash.

Remember, we win some, we lose some. It is only natural to get angry in defeat, but there is no need to take it out on your teammate, unless he really is at fault.

It is important that our clan plays as a team, so it is equally as important to add all members of the clan on your PSN account.

Currently, it is honestly unimportant as to who is Squad Leader in each game

ALSO, although we play seriously FTW - For The Win - we also have our moments of goofing around and just plain having fun. This is a game after all. That said, there are also moments when we decide to display the power of the Synchronized. We do not "play" in those times. Realize; even though we do things such as "DPV Racing" or "Vehicle Hunting" we still manage to PTFO - Play The Fking Objective.

Also, if accepted in, be sure to wear the [Sync] tag proudly! You are now part of a team that cares(:


Thank you for your time in reading Synchronized's presentation and we hope you apply to join our clan.

As a team, we can succeed in overcoming any hurdles thrown our way. We will no doubt face many challenges, but we must always remember to fight good battles and accept our losses.

We go as a team, We fight as a team, We win as a team.

Welcome to the brotherhood.

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