Been There Done That
Platoon Presentation
You've been there.
You've seen the sun set on the desert and heard the sounds of mortars and rocket shells in the night. You know the taste of sand on an MRE. You know the sound of an A-10 as it takes off for a strafing run. You know the taste of salt in your mouth as your Zodiac pushes for the beach.
You've done that.
You didn't get just a lousy T-shirt. You got wounds, scars, memories and a brotherhood. For you, it wasn't a game. It was a job. It was a job you volunteered for- many times, more than once.
Welcome to [BTDT]'Been There Done That'.
We are a group of veterans, active, inactive and retired, who game, socialize and continue the brotherhood. We don't care about your skill level, your gender, your age or if you were combat deployed. We don't care if you were a Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine.
We only ask one question. Did you serve?
We'd love for you to apply. Why?
Because you've Been There and Done That.
So have we.
To apply, submit an application via our official webpage (applications to this platoon without first applying to our official site will be automatically denied).
Official PC Servers:
Search for [BTDT] in Server Browser.
Like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/bf3btdt or
Follow us on Twitter @BTDTgamers
Website: http://btdt.enjin.com/
Former FMF/DV
You've seen the sun set on the desert and heard the sounds of mortars and rocket shells in the night. You know the taste of sand on an MRE. You know the sound of an A-10 as it takes off for a strafing run. You know the taste of salt in your mouth as your Zodiac pushes for the beach.
You've done that.
You didn't get just a lousy T-shirt. You got wounds, scars, memories and a brotherhood. For you, it wasn't a game. It was a job. It was a job you volunteered for- many times, more than once.
Welcome to [BTDT]'Been There Done That'.
We are a group of veterans, active, inactive and retired, who game, socialize and continue the brotherhood. We don't care about your skill level, your gender, your age or if you were combat deployed. We don't care if you were a Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine.
We only ask one question. Did you serve?
We'd love for you to apply. Why?
Because you've Been There and Done That.
So have we.
To apply, submit an application via our official webpage (applications to this platoon without first applying to our official site will be automatically denied).
Official PC Servers:
Search for [BTDT] in Server Browser.
Like us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/bf3btdt or
Follow us on Twitter @BTDTgamers
Website: http://btdt.enjin.com/
Former FMF/DV
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