The BAGR crew
Platoon Presentation
We are BAGR founding fathers are AnaLogginS, rmcmanus1987, griff_916 ,bradsten and our first promoted leader the silent S of the BAGRS clan salsberry101 .....12g fragger? No room for the nutless in BAGR clan, sorry bud. Work with your team? Whoopin ass with objective in mind? Squad up.
Were Looking for Tactically minded people who can come to enjoy the time honored tradition on the killing fields of Adapt & Overcome. We will implement more tactics into your play style to make you the best we can. Find your specialty, and have you eating handfulls of shit covered dirt with nails, And you will shit lightning, Extended magizens & heavy ordinace when were done.
Were Looking for Tactically minded people who can come to enjoy the time honored tradition on the killing fields of Adapt & Overcome. We will implement more tactics into your play style to make you the best we can. Find your specialty, and have you eating handfulls of shit covered dirt with nails, And you will shit lightning, Extended magizens & heavy ordinace when were done.
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