Platoon Presentation
I created this platoon for those who really wanna play together like A TEAM... Face it! Battlefield 3 is a much better game when everyone is communicating and playing together... So if you come to play with a bunch a great players, who wont critisize you!
Apply to join, but you MUST be A Team PLAYER, a headset would be needed and All the Expansion packs, get you friends on board!
You dont need to use tags, but if you want in on clan matches it would be in your favor if you wear them and remember to shread it up on the battlefield, i would like to thank everyone for there patience in getting USSF up and running... :D
Apply to join, but you MUST be A Team PLAYER, a headset would be needed and All the Expansion packs, get you friends on board!
You dont need to use tags, but if you want in on clan matches it would be in your favor if you wear them and remember to shread it up on the battlefield, i would like to thank everyone for there patience in getting USSF up and running... :D
Platoon feed
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