501st Recruits
Tag: [501] Fans: 21 Created: 2012-04-29

Platoon Presentation


Welcome to the 501st Legion Delta Platoon. New recruits must prove themselves in this platoon to become official members of The 501st Legion. Once accepted into the main 501st Legion, recruits will be removed from Delta Platoon and placed into two platoons, the main 501st Legion Platoon and transferred to Alpha, Bravo, or Charlie Platoon. Members will also be assigned to a second platoon based on the following... ability to be a team player, motivation, skill level, expertise, need for training in a specific area, etc. The different platoons, Alpha, Bravo, Charlie are assigned to different commanding officers of the 501st Legion which have officers assigned under them to perform specific duties. Those officers chosen for their abilities will form new members into efficient, lethal, units that will make up squads and platoons that will have specific functions in matches against enemy platoons. Alpha Platoon members will oversee your recruitment phase to determine if you are 501st material and should be accepted. Once you are accepted you will then receive additional training in your assigned platoon to prepare you for battles against enemy platoons. If you have a specific skill set that you excel in please make that skill set known so we can place you where you would be most valuable. The 501st Legion is designed for players who want to compete as a team and win as a team, not for your individual stats. We understand everyone has lives they must attend to but we will schedule competitions and expect all members to compete as often as possible. If you have questions they should be brought to the officer you will be assigned to. Have fun competing.

501st GOALS:

Our goal is to have as many competitive players as possible for platoon vs. platoon battles. EA sports matches should be releasing soon! That will be were the other 501st platoons come into play, 501st Legion Alpha ,Bravo and Charlie. Alpha Platoon consist of the 501st leaders. Alpha platoon oversees clan functionality via running platoons, recruiting, training, administrating 501st servers etc. The 501st is about working together, along with being around like minded players that you can enjoy playing with, helping, and learning from each other using good communication and team work. Have fun competing.


1. Be respectful of other members.
2. DO NOT hog platoon team / party chat when playing as a platoon. (same as #1 but needs to be addressed)
3. DO NOT GLITCH with the 501 clan tag.

Thank You,

Grizzzly Adams


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