Gods In War
Platoon Presentation
Welcome to the GIW Clan battlelog. We are a small group right now looking for more members. We have four leaders who have been here since the beginning of GIW. JONES, JOHNSON, TONS, ASH. We started on Bad Company 1 and have been playing online together ever since. Basically our only rule is that the final say on any clan matter is though us four. We are just now trying to get better organized so please apply if you are looking for a clan and we will evaluate you and see if you could fit in with our clan.
GIWs Chain of Comand
Officers will be one level below the leaders and is the highest level any GIW member can get to. Officer’s jobs will be as follows.
Recruiting new GIW members.
Sitting up Clan Battles and the Rules for the Clan Battles.
If there are no leaders that are unable to make it to a clan battle the Officers will be acting leaders at that point.
Officers can, Ban, move and Kick players from the severs but ONLY the 4 GIW leaders can UN ban, ban players.
Look for new recruits
Look for clan Battles
NCO’s are admins but are going to have limits to what they can do. This is going to be a trust thing and who put in here we do trust.
NCO’s are only to move and kick players form the sever but if you do kick a player so many times it bans them that is understandable
Sqd Leaders
Sqd leaders are going to be just as they sound they will be in charge of their own Sqds.
GIW members can move up and down as the leaders fill the need and are fit to do so.
GIWs Chain of Comand
Officers will be one level below the leaders and is the highest level any GIW member can get to. Officer’s jobs will be as follows.
Recruiting new GIW members.
Sitting up Clan Battles and the Rules for the Clan Battles.
If there are no leaders that are unable to make it to a clan battle the Officers will be acting leaders at that point.
Officers can, Ban, move and Kick players from the severs but ONLY the 4 GIW leaders can UN ban, ban players.
Look for new recruits
Look for clan Battles
NCO’s are admins but are going to have limits to what they can do. This is going to be a trust thing and who put in here we do trust.
NCO’s are only to move and kick players form the sever but if you do kick a player so many times it bans them that is understandable
Sqd Leaders
Sqd leaders are going to be just as they sound they will be in charge of their own Sqds.
GIW members can move up and down as the leaders fill the need and are fit to do so.
Platoon feed
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