By Us Fuck U
Platoon Presentation
This is the BUFU clan
Our leader = shifty_187_
Our Squadleaders = shifty_187_ ,DRESCORPION ,young_dimi, AFCA1979
BUFU means By Us Fuck U
Its a diss to all other players we kill.
First of all get a damn headset and buy the expensionpacks so we don't have to change the maps every hour and we can communicate to eachother. Clanmembers are VIP's , so we will kick playes for VIP's !!
Our rules are : no baserape, no base stealing, no chopper kamikaze and no glitching or you will be kicked. If you glitch you will get banned!!!!
Assingments for clanmembers:
-Put BUFU in your clantag!!!
-Get your third place in a battletank
-Get your k/d above 1.00
-Get your SPM above 300
-Listen to your squadleader, otherwise play for yourself and not in a clan!!!!
-Only squadleaders have their headset on team. If you want to talk to people go to the pub!!!
-Always do wat your squadleader tells you, even if you die!!
-Never let someone behind!!
Pro tips:
-If youre medic first kill then revive!!!
-Stay toghether as a squad and support eachother!!
-Say something before you leave your squad, they are counting on you
-Use different squad perks. It is anoying if someone got the same squad perk!!!
-Always watch your back, and if you play with your squad then the last man watches everybody's back!!!!
-Keep your medics alive !!! When they are death, youre death.
-Use your surrounding!!! If an enemy is behind an gastank shoot the gastank it wil explode and you get the kill. if someone is behind a wall, shoot the wall maybe he is death too.
-Always try to flank. Its better that you kill your enemy before he sees you
-If youre a recon use your MAV and TUG to support your teammates!!!
-If youre a support give people some fucking ammo!!!!!
-if you can't fly don't do it!!!
If you have the skills you will be selected for tournaments if not than youre not good enough, learn how to shoot and support youre team!!
Join Clan:
If you want to join and youre dutch or english please contact DRESCORPION on battlelog.
If you want a clanfight leave a message.
PS: Support your team and kill youre enemy!!
® BUFU clan made by DRESCORPION ©
Our leader = shifty_187_
Our Squadleaders = shifty_187_ ,DRESCORPION ,young_dimi, AFCA1979
BUFU means By Us Fuck U
Its a diss to all other players we kill.
First of all get a damn headset and buy the expensionpacks so we don't have to change the maps every hour and we can communicate to eachother. Clanmembers are VIP's , so we will kick playes for VIP's !!
Our rules are : no baserape, no base stealing, no chopper kamikaze and no glitching or you will be kicked. If you glitch you will get banned!!!!
Assingments for clanmembers:
-Put BUFU in your clantag!!!
-Get your third place in a battletank
-Get your k/d above 1.00
-Get your SPM above 300
-Listen to your squadleader, otherwise play for yourself and not in a clan!!!!
-Only squadleaders have their headset on team. If you want to talk to people go to the pub!!!
-Always do wat your squadleader tells you, even if you die!!
-Never let someone behind!!
Pro tips:
-If youre medic first kill then revive!!!
-Stay toghether as a squad and support eachother!!
-Say something before you leave your squad, they are counting on you
-Use different squad perks. It is anoying if someone got the same squad perk!!!
-Always watch your back, and if you play with your squad then the last man watches everybody's back!!!!
-Keep your medics alive !!! When they are death, youre death.
-Use your surrounding!!! If an enemy is behind an gastank shoot the gastank it wil explode and you get the kill. if someone is behind a wall, shoot the wall maybe he is death too.
-Always try to flank. Its better that you kill your enemy before he sees you
-If youre a recon use your MAV and TUG to support your teammates!!!
-If youre a support give people some fucking ammo!!!!!
-if you can't fly don't do it!!!
If you have the skills you will be selected for tournaments if not than youre not good enough, learn how to shoot and support youre team!!
Join Clan:
If you want to join and youre dutch or english please contact DRESCORPION on battlelog.
If you want a clanfight leave a message.
PS: Support your team and kill youre enemy!!
® BUFU clan made by DRESCORPION ©
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