Ace Fireteam Operative
Tag: [AFO] Web: Official website Fans: 0 Created: 2012-05-11

Platoon Presentation

Ace Fireteam Operatives (AFO Wolfpack), Ace of Spades Regiment: is a dedicated Battlefield 3 Clan, devoted to kicking ass on PS3 servers.
Our website is up, but it is not fully complete.
Applications to the clan will be accepted only to PS3 battlelog members.
Ace of Spades AFO Operatives is an Elite Ps3 group that is looking for experienced Battlefield players. In a match, we are always at the top, we are never last, and you will never catch up.
Our numbers are few, but our Skill is high.
To join, send in a application and your account will be reviewed.
-Must be at least Level 20
-Must have have least 1 Service star for a weapon
-Must be 13 years or older.
(We do know BF3 is 17+)
-We will only grant you as leader if you gain our trust, and prove yourself among our ranks.
Become apart of our Wolfpack.


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