Welcome to Strangeland
Platoon Presentation
The Strangeland Gaming Community was Established on May 07, 2012 by OKC Thund3r5 Owner till June 24th and past down to GhostOfKrueger
Siteand Community is now Owned by GhostOfKrueger as of June 24th 2012
TO JOIN our Strangeland Community Click APPLY TO JOIN! @ http://W2SL.enjin.com
For Battlefield 3 Members please Apply to Join on our website and BattleLog @ http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391627594191/
Welcome to Strangeland Strangers! This is a Gaming community, where everyone is treated the same. No ranking systems to worry about, no worrying about stats, no worrying about winning, we are just a bunch of strangers who have a couple things in common. We love to play as a team and have fun. Everyone is welcome to join.
NOTE: If you join the Community and think you dont have to do anything, be lazy and think everyone is going to add you to play with you. You are mistaken. We love new people to join the community but you have to put the time and effort into joining and being part of it. Get on our Official website and start posting in the forums and start adding people on Xbox to play with. Dont blame me if no one adds you and you dont feel part of the community. Its your job to introduce yourself and be part of this growing community.
To join our Elite Stranger team follow the instructions above also apply to join for our Elite Platoon @ http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391663829481/
Requirements to Join our Elite Stranger Team:
1. Have a mic/headset (cannot make exception on this)
2. Play on X-box 360
3. Speak English
4. SPM of 290 or higher
5. K/DR of 1.0 or higher (exception can be made)
6. be respectful of other platoon members and players in game
7. Be active and dedicated to game
8. Be mature when playing with others
9. Ability to play and communicate as a team.
10. 16+ of age (will make exceptions on age, just don’t be annoying)
Requirements after joining:
1. Must put clan tag to sL-e
2. Keep updated with platoon activities, both on Battlelog and the website
3. Add all leaders as friends on battlelog and X-box live.
4. Be social around the community, both on battlelog and the website.
We have 1 BF3 Server ( Server names are subject to change )
Normal Server : 200% old C.Q. maps! - Server #1 - [sL] - W2SL.enjin.com
-In order to find our servers for BF3 - Go to Server Browser - Then Search - Then simply type in W2SL - All of our servers should pop up and be the only ones on the list. Then just add them to Favorites. -
Requirements :
16+ older ( Must NOT be Annoying! ) Can Make exceptions to Age limit
Must have mic
Must have a good attitude no crybabies or drama.
Must be reasonably active.
No K/d or skill requirements to join. This is a Community NOT a clan.
Must be social. Why join a community if your not going to be social.
Must be willing to wear the community Tag [ sL] We are not trying to brand anyone but take pride in your community and support them.
Looking forward to gaming with you. Lets Link up and fuck shit up and have fun!
Edit clan tag: ( Battlelog )
Step 1- Go to top right of the screen - Click Your Profile
Step 2- Click on edit profile - Left hand of the screen
Step 3- Find the section called "Soldier Settings"
Step 4- Type in: sL
Step 5- Save
this was originally posted By OKC Thunder
Edited By GhostOfKrueger
Siteand Community is now Owned by GhostOfKrueger as of June 24th 2012
TO JOIN our Strangeland Community Click APPLY TO JOIN! @ http://W2SL.enjin.com
For Battlefield 3 Members please Apply to Join on our website and BattleLog @ http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391627594191/
Welcome to Strangeland Strangers! This is a Gaming community, where everyone is treated the same. No ranking systems to worry about, no worrying about stats, no worrying about winning, we are just a bunch of strangers who have a couple things in common. We love to play as a team and have fun. Everyone is welcome to join.
NOTE: If you join the Community and think you dont have to do anything, be lazy and think everyone is going to add you to play with you. You are mistaken. We love new people to join the community but you have to put the time and effort into joining and being part of it. Get on our Official website and start posting in the forums and start adding people on Xbox to play with. Dont blame me if no one adds you and you dont feel part of the community. Its your job to introduce yourself and be part of this growing community.
To join our Elite Stranger team follow the instructions above also apply to join for our Elite Platoon @ http://battlelog.battlefield.com/bf3/platoon/2832655391663829481/
Requirements to Join our Elite Stranger Team:
1. Have a mic/headset (cannot make exception on this)
2. Play on X-box 360
3. Speak English
4. SPM of 290 or higher
5. K/DR of 1.0 or higher (exception can be made)
6. be respectful of other platoon members and players in game
7. Be active and dedicated to game
8. Be mature when playing with others
9. Ability to play and communicate as a team.
10. 16+ of age (will make exceptions on age, just don’t be annoying)
Requirements after joining:
1. Must put clan tag to sL-e
2. Keep updated with platoon activities, both on Battlelog and the website
3. Add all leaders as friends on battlelog and X-box live.
4. Be social around the community, both on battlelog and the website.
We have 1 BF3 Server ( Server names are subject to change )
Normal Server : 200% old C.Q. maps! - Server #1 - [sL] - W2SL.enjin.com
-In order to find our servers for BF3 - Go to Server Browser - Then Search - Then simply type in W2SL - All of our servers should pop up and be the only ones on the list. Then just add them to Favorites. -
Requirements :
16+ older ( Must NOT be Annoying! ) Can Make exceptions to Age limit
Must have mic
Must have a good attitude no crybabies or drama.
Must be reasonably active.
No K/d or skill requirements to join. This is a Community NOT a clan.
Must be social. Why join a community if your not going to be social.
Must be willing to wear the community Tag [ sL] We are not trying to brand anyone but take pride in your community and support them.
Looking forward to gaming with you. Lets Link up and fuck shit up and have fun!
Edit clan tag: ( Battlelog )
Step 1- Go to top right of the screen - Click Your Profile
Step 2- Click on edit profile - Left hand of the screen
Step 3- Find the section called "Soldier Settings"
Step 4- Type in: sL
Step 5- Save
this was originally posted By OKC Thunder
Edited By GhostOfKrueger
Platoon feed
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