Kids with Helmets
Tag: [KwH] Web: Official website Fans: 2 Created: 2012-05-16

Platoon Presentation

To qualify for this platoon you must meet one of these conditions:

- Lower than 1.0 K/D or W/L
- SPM 0-300
- Steal vehicles from teammates or leave vehicles behind for enemies
- Camp inside buildings with claymores
- Take helicopters and crash 5 seconds after liftoff
- Swap teams in order to avoid being raped
- Abuse admin powers to kick people better than you

or have 100 Service Stars with any of these weapons:

- Claymore
- USAS-12
- M-320

Special considerations will be made for players who can crash helos through buildings and survive, or cause massive headaches for their passengers. Extra points for people who sing on their mics.

Be sure to check out our website if you have any questions or concerns.

Platoon feed

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