Craggy Island Militia
Platoon Presentation
From the harsh streets of Cellbridge, the warrior poet commanded his army of Zumo eatin, tanktop wearing, fag rock listening, shit talkin, head lice riddled, filthy sticky poets and new wave emo's. This blanket of bullshit swept forth with tweed armour, mounted upon giant bacteria riddled, hairy dinner plates.
As this army of traitors pressed foward towards the peaceful village of Lucan a group of brave gamers formed a group of fighting men. Men not afraid of real music and weed. Men who honed their skills on Bf2 and CS. Men who could listen to waffle for nine hours straight and still dish out a 20/0 beating in pro evolution. These brave knights of the realm were known as THE GRAGGY ISLAND MILITIA.
The smell of filthy bin and rotting dog feces drew ever close, the militia decided to stop the army at the shopping centre in hillcrest (This would later be known as "the battle of hillcrest shopping centre car park")
Twenty seven brave militia men went into the fray and only two left alive, with a mass of dead Emo bodies and the smell of burning poetry in the air......... the only evidence of them being there! These two men , The Lesbianchipmonk
and FatsoJetson were awarded the keys to the mayor of Dublin's gaf. The elders speak of a day when the C.I.M will return and rumours of them recruiting new members are common among the peasants of Dublin.
It was said that after the battle and at the loss of his favourite slave in the battle of hillcrest shopping centre car park Fatso sailed (on a pallet raft built by the great explorer Joe) to burma to return the ashes of his slave Umboomey Whoop Whoop to his mother Click CLick Umboomey after the funeral he lived in the wild's of Vietnam were in the jungle he learned the secrets of brewing hooch.
The Lesbianchipmonk moved to Amsterdam were he profited in the ganja industry and was said to have seven hundred bitch's in his crib. He could often be seen rolling down the street smoking endo sippin on gin and juice....Laid back......with his mind on his money and his money on his mind........
And so ends the tale of the C.I.M................or we could go on for a couple more paragraphs.
We accept players of all levels of skill, the only rules we have are:
1.) Respect your fellow players
2.) Be polite and helpful
3.) Be a team player and communicator (microphone strongly recommended)
4.) And most importantly, have a good time!
As this army of traitors pressed foward towards the peaceful village of Lucan a group of brave gamers formed a group of fighting men. Men not afraid of real music and weed. Men who honed their skills on Bf2 and CS. Men who could listen to waffle for nine hours straight and still dish out a 20/0 beating in pro evolution. These brave knights of the realm were known as THE GRAGGY ISLAND MILITIA.
The smell of filthy bin and rotting dog feces drew ever close, the militia decided to stop the army at the shopping centre in hillcrest (This would later be known as "the battle of hillcrest shopping centre car park")
Twenty seven brave militia men went into the fray and only two left alive, with a mass of dead Emo bodies and the smell of burning poetry in the air......... the only evidence of them being there! These two men , The Lesbianchipmonk
and FatsoJetson were awarded the keys to the mayor of Dublin's gaf. The elders speak of a day when the C.I.M will return and rumours of them recruiting new members are common among the peasants of Dublin.
It was said that after the battle and at the loss of his favourite slave in the battle of hillcrest shopping centre car park Fatso sailed (on a pallet raft built by the great explorer Joe) to burma to return the ashes of his slave Umboomey Whoop Whoop to his mother Click CLick Umboomey after the funeral he lived in the wild's of Vietnam were in the jungle he learned the secrets of brewing hooch.
The Lesbianchipmonk moved to Amsterdam were he profited in the ganja industry and was said to have seven hundred bitch's in his crib. He could often be seen rolling down the street smoking endo sippin on gin and juice....Laid back......with his mind on his money and his money on his mind........
And so ends the tale of the C.I.M................or we could go on for a couple more paragraphs.
We accept players of all levels of skill, the only rules we have are:
1.) Respect your fellow players
2.) Be polite and helpful
3.) Be a team player and communicator (microphone strongly recommended)
4.) And most importantly, have a good time!
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