Tactical Marine Corps
Tag: [TMC] Fans: 1 Created: 2012-06-07

Platoon Presentation

TMC is designed for players who wish to make squads who work together. TMC is all about teamwork,so members who join on the Xbox 360 are asked to please use a mic of some kind and also please communicate with fellow team mates. We currently have "roles". Roles is different types of load outs for the different classes.

Medic, medkit and defib, works closely with team mates to provide healing and engage hostiles with their rifles to assist with completing objectives.
Rifleman, Granade launcher and defib, provides tactical offensive support by blowing up walls to remove cover and allow entry points and provide suppressing fire and accurate shots to pin down and kill hostiles.

Gunner, supply kit, c4, LMG, gunners provide ammo to team mates and constantly fire a stream of bullets to keep the enemy pinned. They work closely with other team mates to eliminate the opposition and keep soldiers in the fight.

Commando PDW, supply and C4, these soldiers work on guerrilla tactics and eliminate the enemy with unpredictable styles of attack, whether its up front or stealthy. They also work on destroying enemy armor and creating "trap tanks", vehicles that have been sabotaged to explode when the commando wants it to.

Guardian, supply and claymore, ANY GUN. This role is aimed at securing buildings and holding them. They trap doors and stair cases and make sure no infantry can enter whether by laying down fire outside or destroying any intruders with shot guns.


The engineer does not have any roles assigned. This is due to the fact that the engineer is a flexible class and the only requirements for them in TMC is to repair vehicles and destroy hostile armor.


Sniper, ANY GEAR, sniper rifle, snipers tactically eliminate enemies from a distance using their rifles. They work with members of their team by marking targets an taking out other snipers. They also eliminate infantry.

Tactical Troopers, any gear with spawner, PDW, this role relies on stealth and securing positions for allies to spawn in. They kill infantry as quietly as possible so that the spawn is not found until locked down effectivly

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