Platoon Presentation
Full name: JW GROM 2305
We are the Polish Special Forces! We accept everyone that PTFOs, no matter what rank you are! Our motto: Tobie Ojczyzno! (For you, Fatherland!)
JW means Jednostka Wojskowa 2305 (Military Unit 2305) and GROM means Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego (Operational Mobile Reaction Group.).
Extras about GROM:
For the first time ever, GROM will be featured in a video game. It will be featured in Medal of Honor Warfighter! Join GROM to be part of GROM in Battlefield and the soon coming MoH Warfighter!
About the Battlelog Platoon:
Our platoon here is not an extreme elite platoon. We are more of a community than a platoon that will participate in Game Battles (meaning we will not be participating in them). The age minimum for the platoon is 14 or higher.
How to apply:
Simply apply here on Battlelog and message the founder (Dr Anarchy HD) or the leader (Patty Cakes 114) on Xbox so we can setup a date we can talk to you and add you to the platoon here. Once completed, you can add GROM to your tag here on Battlelog. Then we can introduce you to everyone else in the platoon.
Full name: JW GROM 2305
We are the Polish Special Forces! We accept everyone that PTFOs, no matter what rank you are! Our motto: Tobie Ojczyzno! (For you, Fatherland!)
JW means Jednostka Wojskowa 2305 (Military Unit 2305) and GROM means Grupa Reagowania Operacyjno-Manewrowego (Operational Mobile Reaction Group.).
Extras about GROM:
For the first time ever, GROM will be featured in a video game. It will be featured in Medal of Honor Warfighter! Join GROM to be part of GROM in Battlefield and the soon coming MoH Warfighter!
About the Battlelog Platoon:
Our platoon here is not an extreme elite platoon. We are more of a community than a platoon that will participate in Game Battles (meaning we will not be participating in them). The age minimum for the platoon is 14 or higher.
How to apply:
Simply apply here on Battlelog and message the founder (Dr Anarchy HD) or the leader (Patty Cakes 114) on Xbox so we can setup a date we can talk to you and add you to the platoon here. Once completed, you can add GROM to your tag here on Battlelog. Then we can introduce you to everyone else in the platoon.
Platoon feed
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