Arcani Clan
Platoon Presentation
Once upon a time in a year of 2008, there was a man called [Ask]Jaszo16.... He decided to leave his clan because everybody had no idea who he is and people just went like: ''Oh you can't be our leader man, you have been inactive for one year and we barely know you. [Ask]Sk8er is better.'' Oh come on! IT WAS ONLY ONE YEAR!
But ok, fine. As a stupid 15 year old (Yeah, I was actually 15 at that time, I think... I don't know, I'm 22 in March so you do the math and calculate it right.) I went full Rambo on Partyserver and recruited bunch of random people into my new clan called [ACI] - Arcani Clan.
''What a stupid name'' - You probably think
Well screw you dude, I didn't even made the name up! [ACI]Martyn did (Also known as [LAC]Scream or whatever) and he told me that we will sound cool. Do we sound cool? Please let me know because I'm still worried about that. I was thinking about something epic like: [POPO] ''Professional Overpowered Polish Octopus'' but [ACI]Martyn didn't like it and majority of our members went like: ''Nah, go with [ACI]''. Fools.
I started this clan with a professional pro skater who was emo and lived in USA, his name was [ACI]Lichano. Lichano started a clan with me because he got denied from [Ask]. LOL! What a looser, right? :D No? Ok.
Anyway what was I writing about? Ah yeah so... Eee.. My main aim on starting [ACI] was to create a super cool A/D team and have simply fun on Partyserver because we really enjoyed playing there.
It was only a matter of time till all Argentinian and Brazilian players started writing: ''PUTA ACI'' ''ACI GAY'' on the main chat. We knew that we finally gained respect on Partyserver because people started to hate us. Pure gangsta stuff.
Ah yeah, I even remember who we played our first clanwar against. It was an Irish clan called [IRL] (wow, original!). We destroyed them 10:0 because their members were probably all drunk. Trust me, I know because I live in Ireland. Our second A/D clanwar was against [MoB] and they probably cheated :p However our super cool team managed to win one round which was pretty sexy for a new clan full of stupid kids (I was one of them). Too bad that [ACI]Martyn fell from the cliff.... Twice.
We are moving to the year of 2009 and I was 16 years old... And I kissed a girl for a first time!! Hi hi :3 (ffs)
Our clan started to grow strong thanks to such people like [ACI]Rogy, [ACI]Makaveli, [ACI]DonJoey, [ACI]HeyMrAsia, [ACI]Ripper, [ACI]Stealth who kept clanhopping everywhere and [ACI]Camarero. We won the majority of our clanwars but we had few ****e moments too, like every clan.
Year 2010... A dark era comes and I am forced to close my sexual clan because simply majority of my main people went inactive or left Sa-Mp. [ACI] closed down and went into the darkness (dramatic music).
In 2011 I was playing in ]uGp[ for one year with Asia and we even won a Sa-Mp cup. Too bad that I only played one round in the whole tournament. Ah, and Stealth re-opened [ACI] with my permission so our clan was a bit active in that year. Too bad it died after 2 months or something xD
Year 2012... Magic, sparkles and unicorn farts. 19 year old [ACI]Jaszo re-opens the clan and brings it's own glory back alongside with some random dude from Chile, [ACI]sB who left after 2 months. But his presence got replaced by [ACI]Poso (also known as Mr.Lapland, Posottaja or ''That dude from Finland'') and [ACI]Nightmare (also known as Bjergsen or Nighty). Thanks to these two beutiful guys our clan was growing and growing and growing :) (like my dick).
Year 2013, more people join the clan such as [ACI]Vyper who turns out to be very sexy and smart. He took care of all technical stuff and God bless him. And we kept playing clanwars which was also cool. Man, I hate writing and this is getting boring but you get the grip. It's hard to write history of a clan if you barely remember what you had for dinner yesterday.
Year 2014, [ACI]HeyMrAsia returns to old [ACI] after winning everything in Sa-Mp and life and other people join such as [ACI]xtreme (also known as xtm), [ACI]LeGenD or [ACI]Matt who's from Belgium (he would appreciate if I would mention that because he likes Belgium).
Year 2015, I'm nearly 22 years old and wow... A lot of things happened but enough about me because we are writing about [ACI] here xD Well... The year just started so the history of our clan continues. Hopefully we will have another good year. I would also like to mention [ACI]Buttito here because he likes being mentioned.
That's it, ffs.
But ok, fine. As a stupid 15 year old (Yeah, I was actually 15 at that time, I think... I don't know, I'm 22 in March so you do the math and calculate it right.) I went full Rambo on Partyserver and recruited bunch of random people into my new clan called [ACI] - Arcani Clan.
''What a stupid name'' - You probably think
Well screw you dude, I didn't even made the name up! [ACI]Martyn did (Also known as [LAC]Scream or whatever) and he told me that we will sound cool. Do we sound cool? Please let me know because I'm still worried about that. I was thinking about something epic like: [POPO] ''Professional Overpowered Polish Octopus'' but [ACI]Martyn didn't like it and majority of our members went like: ''Nah, go with [ACI]''. Fools.
I started this clan with a professional pro skater who was emo and lived in USA, his name was [ACI]Lichano. Lichano started a clan with me because he got denied from [Ask]. LOL! What a looser, right? :D No? Ok.
Anyway what was I writing about? Ah yeah so... Eee.. My main aim on starting [ACI] was to create a super cool A/D team and have simply fun on Partyserver because we really enjoyed playing there.
It was only a matter of time till all Argentinian and Brazilian players started writing: ''PUTA ACI'' ''ACI GAY'' on the main chat. We knew that we finally gained respect on Partyserver because people started to hate us. Pure gangsta stuff.
Ah yeah, I even remember who we played our first clanwar against. It was an Irish clan called [IRL] (wow, original!). We destroyed them 10:0 because their members were probably all drunk. Trust me, I know because I live in Ireland. Our second A/D clanwar was against [MoB] and they probably cheated :p However our super cool team managed to win one round which was pretty sexy for a new clan full of stupid kids (I was one of them). Too bad that [ACI]Martyn fell from the cliff.... Twice.
We are moving to the year of 2009 and I was 16 years old... And I kissed a girl for a first time!! Hi hi :3 (ffs)
Our clan started to grow strong thanks to such people like [ACI]Rogy, [ACI]Makaveli, [ACI]DonJoey, [ACI]HeyMrAsia, [ACI]Ripper, [ACI]Stealth who kept clanhopping everywhere and [ACI]Camarero. We won the majority of our clanwars but we had few ****e moments too, like every clan.
Year 2010... A dark era comes and I am forced to close my sexual clan because simply majority of my main people went inactive or left Sa-Mp. [ACI] closed down and went into the darkness (dramatic music).
In 2011 I was playing in ]uGp[ for one year with Asia and we even won a Sa-Mp cup. Too bad that I only played one round in the whole tournament. Ah, and Stealth re-opened [ACI] with my permission so our clan was a bit active in that year. Too bad it died after 2 months or something xD
Year 2012... Magic, sparkles and unicorn farts. 19 year old [ACI]Jaszo re-opens the clan and brings it's own glory back alongside with some random dude from Chile, [ACI]sB who left after 2 months. But his presence got replaced by [ACI]Poso (also known as Mr.Lapland, Posottaja or ''That dude from Finland'') and [ACI]Nightmare (also known as Bjergsen or Nighty). Thanks to these two beutiful guys our clan was growing and growing and growing :) (like my dick).
Year 2013, more people join the clan such as [ACI]Vyper who turns out to be very sexy and smart. He took care of all technical stuff and God bless him. And we kept playing clanwars which was also cool. Man, I hate writing and this is getting boring but you get the grip. It's hard to write history of a clan if you barely remember what you had for dinner yesterday.
Year 2014, [ACI]HeyMrAsia returns to old [ACI] after winning everything in Sa-Mp and life and other people join such as [ACI]xtreme (also known as xtm), [ACI]LeGenD or [ACI]Matt who's from Belgium (he would appreciate if I would mention that because he likes Belgium).
Year 2015, I'm nearly 22 years old and wow... A lot of things happened but enough about me because we are writing about [ACI] here xD Well... The year just started so the history of our clan continues. Hopefully we will have another good year. I would also like to mention [ACI]Buttito here because he likes being mentioned.
That's it, ffs.
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