Stranglands Elite
Platoon Presentation
Welcome to Strangelands Elite! This is platoon is a branch off of Welcome to Strangeland for those in our community who want to play competitively. Please note that you have to join Welcome to Strangeland before applying here.
Strangeland Gaming
We base our tactics around team work and communication. We hit hard and were relentless in our advance and we don’t quit! When the situations getting tough we find a way. We adapt and overcome in any and all situations. We use a real military ranking system and squad format. We move tactically and as a team, there is no such thing as a “lone wolf” here. We are always on the offensive and never retreat! We are all strangers!. HOOAH!
Servers: (server names are subject to change)
Normal Server : 200% NEW CQ! Dom/TDM/Gm! - Server #1 - [sL] - W2SL.enjin.com
Hardcore Server : 200% NEW CQ! 24/7 CQ Dom - Server #2 - [sL] - W2SL.enjin.com
Normal Server : 200% Old School C.Q. Maps - Server #3 - [sL] - W2SL.enjin.com
Normal Server : 200% Old Maps TDM! - Server #4 - [sL] - W2SL.enjin.com
1. Have a mic/headset (cannot make exception on this)
2. Play on X-box 360
3. Speak English
4. SPM of 290 or higher
5. K/DR of 1.0 or higher (exception can be made)
6. be respectful of other platoon members and players in game
7. Be active and dedicated to game
8. Be mature when playing with others
9. Ability to play and communicate as a team.
10. 16+ of age (will make exceptions on age, just don’t be annoying)
Requirements after joining:
1. Must put clan tag to sLe
2. Keep updated with platoon activities, both on Battlelog and the website
3. Add all leaders as friends on battlelog and X-box live.
4. Be social around the community, both on battlelog and the website.
Edit clan tag:
Step 1- Go to top right of the screen - Click Your Profile
Step 2- Click on edit profile - Left hand of the screen
Step 3- Find the section called "Soldier Settings"
Step 4- Type in: sLe
Step 5- Save
Please note: being a member of multiple platoons is NOT allowed!(exceptions will be made if it is a friends platoon another strangeland branch or DICE hunters ect.)
Ranking Ladder
President: IAREGHOST77
General (stars 1-5): CaTzArEcRaCk (5), BlowinUpBarney (3), SSCalliban (2)
Brigadier Gen: Daniel_9580
Lt. Colonel:
First Lieutenant:
Second Lieutenant:
Sgt. Major of the Army:
Command Sgt. Major:
Sgt. Major: NativePolonsky
First Sergeant:
Master Sergeant:
Sgt. First Class:
Staff Sergeant:
Corporal: JumbotheCow
Pvt. First Class:
Private 2:
Strangeland Gaming
We base our tactics around team work and communication. We hit hard and were relentless in our advance and we don’t quit! When the situations getting tough we find a way. We adapt and overcome in any and all situations. We use a real military ranking system and squad format. We move tactically and as a team, there is no such thing as a “lone wolf” here. We are always on the offensive and never retreat! We are all strangers!. HOOAH!
Servers: (server names are subject to change)
Normal Server : 200% NEW CQ! Dom/TDM/Gm! - Server #1 - [sL] - W2SL.enjin.com
Hardcore Server : 200% NEW CQ! 24/7 CQ Dom - Server #2 - [sL] - W2SL.enjin.com
Normal Server : 200% Old School C.Q. Maps - Server #3 - [sL] - W2SL.enjin.com
Normal Server : 200% Old Maps TDM! - Server #4 - [sL] - W2SL.enjin.com
1. Have a mic/headset (cannot make exception on this)
2. Play on X-box 360
3. Speak English
4. SPM of 290 or higher
5. K/DR of 1.0 or higher (exception can be made)
6. be respectful of other platoon members and players in game
7. Be active and dedicated to game
8. Be mature when playing with others
9. Ability to play and communicate as a team.
10. 16+ of age (will make exceptions on age, just don’t be annoying)
Requirements after joining:
1. Must put clan tag to sLe
2. Keep updated with platoon activities, both on Battlelog and the website
3. Add all leaders as friends on battlelog and X-box live.
4. Be social around the community, both on battlelog and the website.
Edit clan tag:
Step 1- Go to top right of the screen - Click Your Profile
Step 2- Click on edit profile - Left hand of the screen
Step 3- Find the section called "Soldier Settings"
Step 4- Type in: sLe
Step 5- Save
Please note: being a member of multiple platoons is NOT allowed!(exceptions will be made if it is a friends platoon another strangeland branch or DICE hunters ect.)
Ranking Ladder
President: IAREGHOST77
General (stars 1-5): CaTzArEcRaCk (5), BlowinUpBarney (3), SSCalliban (2)
Brigadier Gen: Daniel_9580
Lt. Colonel:
First Lieutenant:
Second Lieutenant:
Sgt. Major of the Army:
Command Sgt. Major:
Sgt. Major: NativePolonsky
First Sergeant:
Master Sergeant:
Sgt. First Class:
Staff Sergeant:
Corporal: JumbotheCow
Pvt. First Class:
Private 2:
Platoon feed
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