The Crimson Blade
Platoon Presentation
The Crimson Blade is a group of gamers that play to win and to enjoy the game. We play as a team and get pretty tactical. We got eachothers backs and play together as brothers.We are a very friendly clan that takes our gaming seriously while having fun with it. We are also a competitive clan.
Unlike most battlefield clans, you are not required to be on battlefield 24/7 as long as you play every one and awhile your fine. All we expect is that when your on you play to your best ability, and give the clan a good name.
- Wear the clan tags
- Play with the clan when possible
- Play to win
- Score per minute of 300+
- Kill death ratio must be positive, 1.00+
- Willing to play hardcore if needed
- Enjoy the game and have fun
- Be able to play tactical with the team and follow instructions.
- have a working microphone.
-SV Winters 85*
-Minez Nachoz
-TCB Homelesdude
Unlike most battlefield clans, you are not required to be on battlefield 24/7 as long as you play every one and awhile your fine. All we expect is that when your on you play to your best ability, and give the clan a good name.
- Wear the clan tags
- Play with the clan when possible
- Play to win
- Score per minute of 300+
- Kill death ratio must be positive, 1.00+
- Willing to play hardcore if needed
- Enjoy the game and have fun
- Be able to play tactical with the team and follow instructions.
- have a working microphone.
-SV Winters 85*
-Minez Nachoz
-TCB Homelesdude
Platoon feed
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