Soldiers Of Tomorrow
Platoon Presentation
We are looking for good TACTICAL team players.
- Medics
- Support
- Engineers
- Snipers (MOBILE)
Which ever role you play, use it to the best of your ability!
We are looking for team players that HELP their squad NO MATTER WHAT.
(We dont want any 1 man heroes)(RAMBOS)
---- We want EVERYONE to play a big role in the clan----
-All we are asking for is common sense; and use tactics, don't wing it!
-Mics are a MUST HAVE ----------TALKING = WINNING.
PROMOTION to LEADER will be possible as long as you show commitment and loyalty.
-----------We dont want our members to have 2 competitive platoons------------
We are a laid back group. NO ONE is bigger than the platoon; EVERYONE IS EQUAL.....
However, there are a few things that we prefer to have in this platoon:
1. SPM- It does not really matter what it is because it will vary depending on what game type. Just make sure you're trying to win and know how to have fun.
2. We would ask you to use the platoon name. Do so by going to your profile, edit profile, and then enter it in the clan tag.
3. Every opinion of any member of the platoon is important. If you have any suggestions for
the platoon, post them on the platoon page or the website and each member will vote on it.
In addition, RECRUIT others if you are playing and you determine that they are good enough to join.
We play RUSH and CONQUEST mainly.
If you're interested in joining just let me know.
Check out our website-
- Medics
- Support
- Engineers
- Snipers (MOBILE)
Which ever role you play, use it to the best of your ability!
We are looking for team players that HELP their squad NO MATTER WHAT.
(We dont want any 1 man heroes)(RAMBOS)
---- We want EVERYONE to play a big role in the clan----
-All we are asking for is common sense; and use tactics, don't wing it!
-Mics are a MUST HAVE ----------TALKING = WINNING.
PROMOTION to LEADER will be possible as long as you show commitment and loyalty.
-----------We dont want our members to have 2 competitive platoons------------
We are a laid back group. NO ONE is bigger than the platoon; EVERYONE IS EQUAL.....
However, there are a few things that we prefer to have in this platoon:
1. SPM- It does not really matter what it is because it will vary depending on what game type. Just make sure you're trying to win and know how to have fun.
2. We would ask you to use the platoon name. Do so by going to your profile, edit profile, and then enter it in the clan tag.
3. Every opinion of any member of the platoon is important. If you have any suggestions for
the platoon, post them on the platoon page or the website and each member will vote on it.
In addition, RECRUIT others if you are playing and you determine that they are good enough to join.
We play RUSH and CONQUEST mainly.
If you're interested in joining just let me know.
Check out our website-
Platoon feed
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