Wrath of July
Tag: [July] Fans: 1 Created: 2012-07-09

Platoon Presentation


[July] is currently on indefinite hiatus, and is not recruiting.

= Overview =

July platoon [July] is organized for the purpose of playing BF3 competitively with guidance from real life military science. The ultimate objective of [July] is to bring home a BF3 Tournament Dogtag.

However, this means [July] is not a military simulation platoon. While BF3 is an FPS game modeled on 21st century warfare, imitating a modern military is not the goal of this platoon.

[July] operates by finding a practical compromise between game play and military tactics that will win the match. To this end, [July] welcomes innovation and experimentation with open arms. Suggesting tactics to senior members is not considered stepping out of line but in keeping with the spirit of teamwork.

= Ranks =

Executive Officer (XO): runs the administrative side of the platoon, such as coordinating matches and scrims with other platoons, updating the platoon Battlelog page, keeping members informed on platoon events, etc. Has no command authority in-game, and is not automatically granted a leadership position. [Current XO: azncutthroat]

Captain (Cpt): a temporary, in-game only rank. Leads an officially assembled 12-soldier team in training sessions, public and competitive matches, and scrims. Has no command authority over members playing on their own time.

Lieutenant (LT): distinguished senior rank. Leads the 4-soldier squad and senior 2-soldier section.

Sergeant (Sgt): senior rank. Leads the junior 2-soldier section.

Corporal (Cpl): distinguished junior rank.

Private (Pvt): junior rank. Always paired with a senior member.

Rank is assigned by the XO, and is determined by the 2 main factors.

1. Seniority- how long one has been a member
2. Merit- success in game matches (combat effectiveness and tactical planning) and contribution to the platoon

Promotion and demotion is expected to be fluid and result-driven. Active and contributing members will be promoted and commended. The rank of Captain is rotated among the Lieutenants on a round-robin basis to maintain a base of well-rounded leadership.

= Command Structure =

Squads are assigned long-term strategical objectives by the Captain (i.e., Cap and defend Objective Bravo, Search and destroy enemy armor at Objectives Alpha and Charlie, etc.), and sections are assigned short-term tactical objectives by the Lieutenants (neutralize infantry at the 1-story corner building, lay AT mines on the main road, retreat and regroup at deployment, etc.). In other words, the Captain plans how to win the game, and the Lieutenants plan how to win the firefight.

Alpha Squad

>Senior Section
>>Alpha Actual: Captain Zulu
>>Alpha 1-2: Corporal X-Ray

>Junior Section
>>Alpha 2-1: Sergeant Yankee
>>Alpha 2-2: Private Whiskey

Bravo Squad

>Senior Section
>>Bravo Actual: Lieutenant Victor
>>Bravo 1-2: Corporal Uniform

>Junior Section
>>Bravo 2-1 Sergeant Tango
>>Bravo 2-2 Private Sierra

Charlie Squad

>Senior Section
>>Charlie Actual: Lieutenant Romeo
>>Charlie 1-2: Corporal Quebec

>Junior Section
>>Charlie 2-1: Sergeant Papa
>>Charlie 2-2: Private Oscar

= Callsigns =

The Lieutenant of each squad can select a 2-syllable word (i.e., HUN-TER, MAS-COT, HIT-MAN, MIS-FIT, etc.) to act as the callsign for the squad. This would replace the standard callsign, i.e. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie.

Hunter Squad

>>Hunter Actual
>>Hunter 1-2

>>Hunter 2-1
>>Hunter 2-2

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