Remember The Fallen
Tag: [RtF] Fans: 2 Created: 2012-07-17

Platoon Presentation

Longtime Battlefield Veterans. Looking for more members at all times. We need people that are willing to put a lot of time into Battlefield gaming and ones that will help us rise to the top. At the moment we are looking for a top class sniper and support gunner.

1. Remember this is still a video game so don't freak and get pissy over tiny things. Let's keep it chill.

2. Don't fight with other members (simple)

3. Don't join if you cannot commit

4. No trash talking unless we get an amazing clutch moment. (I mean why trash talk when we already won. A win is a win. No need to put the other team down for trying just as hard)

5. If you join please try and get others to join. We need more members and refer them to the Platoon leader. (PSN: Unleashed_Crisis / Origin: Sion973)

6. This is a big one! If you join you must have a mic! What is the point of teamwork if you can't communicate.


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