Platoon Presentation
The Navy SEALs are a group of United States Navy special forces. They use any method on Sea, Air, and Land. Battlefield games have featured vehicles used by the Navy SEALs, such as the DPV, RHIB Boat, and the ATV. The US Navy SEALs are an excellent example of a perfect squad, working together to accomplish any task. That said, anyone who does not work together with the SEALs will be removed from the team. A SEAL team is made up of 4-10 soldiers, being the reason we are small, but will gladly accept others and make squads.
Platoon Rules:
1. Use your mic to strategize with your team and squad
2. Don't jet ram, or fly if you are unexpirenced.
3. Post on the wall and stay active.
4. Play fair, and use all the kits.
5. Use your mic and play the objective.
6. Obey superiors and interact with your team/squad.
This list is not required to enter the platoon, but it will increase the chances of you entering.
1. At least 1 service star with a vehicle.
2. One weapon over service star 2
3. A Veteran status for at least one Battlefield game, or proof of Battlefield gameplay on a different system.
4. Join platoon servers or platoon members in a game.
Requirements to Join:
1. Use good team play skills.
2. Join platoon members in matches, for training, or any match in general.
3. Follow platoon rules, before and after you join the platoon.
4. Listen to orders given by leaders, no matter what you might think of them.
5. Have the founder on your friends list.
6. There is no minimum stats to join, please apply via the US NAVY SEALs Recruitment Forum.
Platoon Allies:
N/A (Currently Accepting Ally Requests)
Platoon Branches:
Xbox 360: Open
PS3: Open
PC: Open
Platoon members who show exceptional skills in combat and follow the platoon rules will have a chance to be promoted to "Leader." We are [ACCEPTING] join requests by anyone who has met these requirements.
The Navy SEALs are a group of United States Navy special forces. They use any method on Sea, Air, and Land. Battlefield games have featured vehicles used by the Navy SEALs, such as the DPV, RHIB Boat, and the ATV. The US Navy SEALs are an excellent example of a perfect squad, working together to accomplish any task. That said, anyone who does not work together with the SEALs will be removed from the team. A SEAL team is made up of 4-10 soldiers, being the reason we are small, but will gladly accept others and make squads.
Platoon Rules:
1. Use your mic to strategize with your team and squad
2. Don't jet ram, or fly if you are unexpirenced.
3. Post on the wall and stay active.
4. Play fair, and use all the kits.
5. Use your mic and play the objective.
6. Obey superiors and interact with your team/squad.
This list is not required to enter the platoon, but it will increase the chances of you entering.
1. At least 1 service star with a vehicle.
2. One weapon over service star 2
3. A Veteran status for at least one Battlefield game, or proof of Battlefield gameplay on a different system.
4. Join platoon servers or platoon members in a game.
Requirements to Join:
1. Use good team play skills.
2. Join platoon members in matches, for training, or any match in general.
3. Follow platoon rules, before and after you join the platoon.
4. Listen to orders given by leaders, no matter what you might think of them.
5. Have the founder on your friends list.
6. There is no minimum stats to join, please apply via the US NAVY SEALs Recruitment Forum.
Platoon Allies:
N/A (Currently Accepting Ally Requests)
Platoon Branches:
Xbox 360: Open
PS3: Open
PC: Open
Platoon members who show exceptional skills in combat and follow the platoon rules will have a chance to be promoted to "Leader." We are [ACCEPTING] join requests by anyone who has met these requirements.
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