Tag: [ROTC] Fans: 1 Created: 2012-08-10

Platoon Presentation

Hello, this is the second Platoon I have created and I want this one to be a bit more serious and formal if you join. This is not a serious gaming Platoon, but rather a serious representation Platoon. I created this platoon for all JROTC members of any branch such as NJROTC ( my branch ), AROTC, AFROTC, etc. ( If I'm missing any branches for some reaosn or if I wrote them wrong please correct me ). There aren't many rules except these: 1. You really have to be a member of a JROTC ( High School ) program or ROTC ( College ) program to join.
2. You have to represent your rank on your Left dogtag equal to a Battlefield 3 Marines rank, for example mine is PO3 ( Petty Officer Third Class ) so it equals Corporal in Marines.
3. If you have a rank equal to Second Lieutenant, First Lieutenant, Major, Lieutenant Commander ranks in any Battlefield game you must wear it on the right-side dogtag, you should know what the ranks in your branch are eqaul to in Battlefield 3, which the ranking is Marines.
4. This rule is optional but it is recommended if you want to represent who you are and who you fight for, you should wear the color camo of your branch, for example I'm in NJROTC which is the Navy so I wear the Navy camo now on all my kits to represnt them, if you're in the Air Force then use the new Airman camo or one that is like it, and so forth for others.
5. You must wear the ROTC if you follow the other rules, if you want to change to something like NJTC to represent your branch then it is fine but always keep the TC so it still sounds round mine if I decided to change it it would be NJTC: Navy Junior Traning Corps.
6. Respect your platoon members, sqaudmates, and teammates in general, if they disrespect you then just say something nice and move on, they won't have much to say after awhile.
7. Play smart and have fun. If I have spelled, written, etc. anything wrong then please correct me, I'm only 14 I'm not perfect. Don't take my age as "oh he's a kid he doesn't know what he's doing ya da ya da" etc., I'm a straight A's honors student, I think strategically at times when needed, I always give respect when given it, if not then I do not give respect back at certain times, I always try and put forth my best effort. Well that's all if you want to join just make sure you read the rules. Also one more thing if you're not in JROTC, ROTC but you have server in a armed force such as the marines, navy etc. then you by all means allowed to join, just especially show your rank proudly and Thank you if you haved serverd. That is all, join if you meet requirements then apply and you can join, if not carry on. See you on the Battlefield. Go Navy Seals Hoorah!!!!!

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