Platoon Presentation
MANAGEMENT - Make sure to add us all on PSN
x-Dalton-x3 - Co-owner - spokesperson/ Leader- recruitment officer
McDude80 - Co-owner-Founder KAE /slabbing expert-aka- the armchair warrior
Rickster0074 - Co-owner -Founder KAE- Leader- aka the silver fox
neil5082 - Co-owner- c4 expert - Leader - Founder off NIE-- aka the armagh bomber
sstrooperss- Co-owner- Leader-sprinting expert-aka usain bolt
jambobicans- Co-owner- Leader- all round shooter
onuoha09 - leader
Allied platoons ---- N.I.E. KICK ASS N.I ELITE
JOIN US ON FACEBOOK ---- http://www.facebook.com/pages/KICK-ASS-N-Ireland-Elite-KAE-NIE/131215823663191
The Bearded1 = clan match V TTT 12/082012
Dirtbirdnire = clan match V QAA 13/08/2012
The Bearded1 = clan match V QAA 13/08/2012
jambobicans=clan match V QAA 17/08/2012
All leaders must be add to friends list both psn and battlelog.
Requirements To Join:
Team Work
3 leader votes
12/08/2012 *****KAE/NIE - V - TTT ****** KICK OFF 3PM
KAE WIN By forfiet :( full team turned up but TTT didnt the pussys
they joined hour later we still give them a chance & then they left the game..
13/08/2012 ******* KAE/NIE-V- QAA ********* KICK OFF 3PM ==== QAA 3- V- KAE 0 BEST 3ROUNDS
Rematch ------------------- 8pm -------------------- QAA 3-V-KAE 1 BEST 5ROUNDS
***********************UP & COMING MATCHES*****************************
17/08/2012*********KAE/NIE-V- QAA*********KICK OFF 10PM===== ?????????????? BEST 5ROUNDS
18/08/2012*********KAE/NIE-V-TNK*********KICK OFF ???? ===== ?????????????? BEST 5ROUNDS
25/08/2012********KAE/NIE-V- IDC/ISON**** KICK OFF 9PM ====== ???????????? BEST 5ROUNDS
**Ground Rules for this Platoon**
-1- Respect Team leaders and Squad leaders commands, they’re trying to teach other members to work as a team to prepare for clan battles!
-2- Respect other clans. works together with NIE we don’t need drama. Keep your comments between your clan!
-3- If you get accepted into this platoon, you must have your clan tag set to KAER for recruitment. If you join a game with us without the clan tag then you will find yourself kicked.
-4- If you don't want to play as a team player, or you become inactive for 30 days you will be kicked from the platoon! there are many people trying to obtain a spot in the 100 that the platoon can max out at!
-5- NEVER will any Platoon member leave during a clan battle unless very important. You must let a team leader or squad leader know why you are leaving.
-6- If any issues with command or platoon please contact team leaders
MANAGEMENT - Make sure to add us all on PSN
x-Dalton-x3 - Co-owner - spokesperson/ Leader- recruitment officer
McDude80 - Co-owner-Founder KAE /slabbing expert-aka- the armchair warrior
Rickster0074 - Co-owner -Founder KAE- Leader- aka the silver fox
neil5082 - Co-owner- c4 expert - Leader - Founder off NIE-- aka the armagh bomber
sstrooperss- Co-owner- Leader-sprinting expert-aka usain bolt
jambobicans- Co-owner- Leader- all round shooter
onuoha09 - leader
Allied platoons ---- N.I.E. KICK ASS N.I ELITE
JOIN US ON FACEBOOK ---- http://www.facebook.com/pages/KICK-ASS-N-Ireland-Elite-KAE-NIE/131215823663191
The Bearded1 = clan match V TTT 12/082012
Dirtbirdnire = clan match V QAA 13/08/2012
The Bearded1 = clan match V QAA 13/08/2012
jambobicans=clan match V QAA 17/08/2012
All leaders must be add to friends list both psn and battlelog.
Requirements To Join:
Team Work
3 leader votes
12/08/2012 *****KAE/NIE - V - TTT ****** KICK OFF 3PM
KAE WIN By forfiet :( full team turned up but TTT didnt the pussys
they joined hour later we still give them a chance & then they left the game..
13/08/2012 ******* KAE/NIE-V- QAA ********* KICK OFF 3PM ==== QAA 3- V- KAE 0 BEST 3ROUNDS
Rematch ------------------- 8pm -------------------- QAA 3-V-KAE 1 BEST 5ROUNDS
***********************UP & COMING MATCHES*****************************
17/08/2012*********KAE/NIE-V- QAA*********KICK OFF 10PM===== ?????????????? BEST 5ROUNDS
18/08/2012*********KAE/NIE-V-TNK*********KICK OFF ???? ===== ?????????????? BEST 5ROUNDS
25/08/2012********KAE/NIE-V- IDC/ISON**** KICK OFF 9PM ====== ???????????? BEST 5ROUNDS
**Ground Rules for this Platoon**
-1- Respect Team leaders and Squad leaders commands, they’re trying to teach other members to work as a team to prepare for clan battles!
-2- Respect other clans. works together with NIE we don’t need drama. Keep your comments between your clan!
-3- If you get accepted into this platoon, you must have your clan tag set to KAER for recruitment. If you join a game with us without the clan tag then you will find yourself kicked.
-4- If you don't want to play as a team player, or you become inactive for 30 days you will be kicked from the platoon! there are many people trying to obtain a spot in the 100 that the platoon can max out at!
-5- NEVER will any Platoon member leave during a clan battle unless very important. You must let a team leader or squad leader know why you are leaving.
-6- If any issues with command or platoon please contact team leaders
Platoon feed
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