White Wolf
Tag: [Wolf] Web: Official website Fans: 12 Created: 2012-08-23

Platoon Presentation

We are a fun and tactical clan, We are all friendly people who play together. We know when to be serious and when to be on our A game. We are the Wolf Pack.

White Wolf win streak: 2
Last platoon beat: [ACE] Attacking Crazy Eagles

---Platoon Battle Schedule---
Who: - Wolf VS Team KU
What: - 4v4 Squad Rush
When: - 7th October, 7:00pm (UTC/GMT)
Where: - Metro and Siene
Players: - red and 3 open spaces.
(All platoon battle times will be in UTC format)
Time converter for this match- http://goo.gl/BV81X

Fragged Nation: http://www.fraggednation.com/members/t/White-Wolf-21177

Platoon feed

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