Founders: AceGhotWarrior,riderhermes & xboxsergio
Welcome to raZorz eSports a clan created for experienced gamers that are highly skilled and specialised, that plays competitive.
If you want to challenge us and you don't speak spanish contact with AceghostWarrior.
♦ History
RaZorz eSports [rZ] is a clan created by a few of the most skilled members of a friendly clan. Before it was called THE HUNTERS, but as a result, we created this new clan to become important in the competitve world, first in Spain, then known outside in Europe, and certainly all around the world of Battlefield 3.
RaZorz was formed since the beginning of 2012, as we watched it was progressing very well and fast in the competitive world, AceGhostWarrior went beyond the horizons, like youtube. A great thankful to the rest of the clan, especially to SilentBoy, he offered to create the webpage, and so on, it was uploaded and available to everyone. The clan joined many competitve webs, like consolesnet or fraggednation, that successfully became one of the best clans of Europe.
The true beginning of this clan was a few years ago, around 2007, when a group of friends joined together with the objective to have fun in CoD 4. Later on, when we became popular in the competitve world of CoD, suddenly went onto BF3. The founder at the beginning was AceGhostWarrior, but then, he commenced to integrate with experts in BF3, and into the competitive world (rirderhermes & xboxsergio). They had the awesome idea to create and emerge raZorz.
At the moment, we are the Nº1 clan in Spain, Nº 4 of SPM & Nº5 of K/D in the European leaderboards. We appreciate any contribuition of fans, also if you like how we play and want to learn more about it, enjoy having an amazing experience, join the clan raZorz Bro's. Our doors are open for anyone interested, but with a certain amount of level, and of course, skill. Very skilled players are welcome to apply and join, if agreed so.
Date the clan was created: 25/08/2012
Presentation by: AceGhostWarrior
♦ Follow us
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☆ Youtube:
☆ Bro's clan:
☆ Fraggednation:
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☆ Twitchtv for streamings: